[1.1.70] Blueprints display incorrect grid

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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[1.1.70] Blueprints display incorrect grid

Post by FaustFaust »

This bug has been in a few versions.
Example case is: I have an existing blueprint that has a grid size that I want to update. In the existing blueprint, I choose to 'select new contents for the blueprint'.
I take a new blueprint. I think the grid size stays the same, but the X,Y display the same as the previous blueprint. I think the green grid displays differently. Save blueprint.
Go back into blueprint, X,Y are different, need adjustment. Adjust and save, all good.
but this adjustment bug is annoying.
if you need a video, I'll get one
Factorio Staff
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Re: [1.1.70] Blueprints display incorrect grid

Post by Genhis »

Thanks for the report. I think this is intended. When you select new contents for an existing blueprint, the blueprint keeps its other properties, including grid values. Grid size can be changed manually and I don't think it should be reset just because you changed blueprint content. As for the green grid in blueprint preview, I don't see anything wrong with it.

If you want to reset grid size to its auto-generated values, you can disable and enable the "Snap to grid" checkbox after changing the content.
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