Powerless Lamps

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Powerless Lamps

Post by JasonC »

Is there a mod that provides lights that don't use power (for more convenient path lighting)?

I searched as best as I knew how but the search terms for this are kind of generic and I couldn't spot anything.
Took a break from 0.12.29 to 0.17.79, and then to ... oh god now it's 1.something. I never know what's happening.
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Re: Powerless Lamps

Post by Pi-C »

JasonC wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 4:02 pm Is there a mod that provides lights that don't use power (for more convenient path lighting)?
I've made you one. It's really just a quick and dirty hack, merely a modified copy of the vanilla entity/item/recipe that will be unlocked by the same tech as the vanilla lamp. It even has a localised name, and the recipe will be unlocked if the mod is added to an existing game where "optics" already was researched. But of course, I didn't put any effort into making custom graphics etc. It's just a cheaty, small lamp which doesn't need power.

Oh, by the way: I don't intend to maintain this, so I won't upload it to the mod portal myself. If you want to put some more work into this mod, you're free to use the source!

EDIT: Removed and uploaded again under another name -- the old one didn't contain the mod version, so the game wouldn't start.
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Re: Powerless Lamps

Post by JasonC »

Pi-C wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 6:16 pm
JasonC wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 4:02 pm Is there a mod that provides lights that don't use power (for more convenient path lighting)?
I've made you one. It's really just a quick and dirty hack, merely a modified copy of the vanilla entity/item/recipe that will be unlocked by the same tech as the vanilla lamp. It even has a localised name, and the recipe will be unlocked if the mod is added to an existing game where "optics" already was researched. But of course, I didn't put any effort into making custom graphics etc. It's just a cheaty, small lamp which doesn't need power.
Hey thanks! Sweet!
Oh, by the way: I don't intend to maintain this, so I won't upload it to the mod portal myself. If you want to put some more work into this mod, you're free to use the source!
Cool thanks, I definitely will soon, it'll be the perfect way to dust off my rusty old modding skills.

You rock. <3

PS It's not "cheaty", it's uh... "solar powered", lol.
Took a break from 0.12.29 to 0.17.79, and then to ... oh god now it's 1.something. I never know what's happening.
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