Show specific level of infinite technology on choose-elem-button

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Show specific level of infinite technology on choose-elem-button

Post by raiguard »

I am using choose-elem-buttons in my research queue mod so that I can use the built-in tooltips. However, there isn't a way to specify a specific level of infinite technology so far as I can tell, so the button always shows the base level. This means that I can't use the vanilla tooltips and will need to create my own, which is time-consuming both in terms of UPS, and in programming effort.

I would really love if we could tell the choose-elem-button to display a specific level of infinite tech. It doesn't have to be incorporated in the GUI because I'm not using that - I just need the capability in the API.

Thank you!
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Re: Show specific level of infinite technology on choose-elem-button

Post by Rseding91 »

The choose elem button is essentially a 'choose prototype' button. As such all it can do is show a specific prototype. What you're asking for is more like a 'choose instance' button; a specific technology, recipe, item + count, fluid + temperature and so on.
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