The ultimate solution to the problem of liquid transportation (UPS-friendly)

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:15 am

The ultimate solution to the problem of liquid transportation (UPS-friendly)

Post by Aquilo »

The existing Pressurized fluids and Fluid Must Flow mods help with the problem of transporting flow from A to B. But they don't solve the UPS problem.
The fluids in Factorio are behaving strangely and the only way to get around this is to abandon the original fluid system.
How it looks to the player:
There is a new connected pipe with "infinite" capacity (and its underground version)
By connecting the corresponding outputs and inputs of 400 factories throughout the megafactory with this linked pipe, the player gets a working "common bus" system for fluid that instantly transfers thousands of fluid per tick. Without the slightest load on the UPS (only at the time of installing / removing a new pipe)
How it is implemented:
When installing/removing a linked pipe, a script is launched that adds all adjacent linked pipes to the common phantom tank. The pipes themselves do not store liquid, each end pipe is a portal to a hidden reservoir connector. Thus, all suppliers and consumers are connected to a giant reservoir.
This UPS will effectively solve the problem of liquid transfer, allow you to create long pipelines, and implement a common bus (many suppliers, many consumers)
The only cheat is the instantaneous transfer of liquid from point A to point B. Since the reservoir is only a continuous system of pipes, the teleportation of liquid is still impossible, and it requires the construction of infrastructure, it's just that this infrastructure does not require calculation every tick (how much heat is released into the Earth's atmosphere per simulation of "waves" in a pipe?).
Facilitation of the gameplay in the form of no need to calculate the throughput of liquid systems.
Negative places:
An additional script for constructing a path (connected graph) for each pipe appearance / loss event.
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