[1.1.57] Undo on Underground belts may reverse them.

Things that has been reported already before.
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[1.1.57] Undo on Underground belts may reverse them.

Post by vektordev »

In the attached image, you see 4 arrangements of belts, from left to right. (1) (left) can be ignored mostly, that's just what I want to achieve, for reference. (2) is the original state. In trying to build the red belt in (1) from (2) by just clicking and dragging red belt from the top end of the upper gap to the bottom end of the lower gap, we end up with (3). Undoing e.g. 4 steps leaves us with (4). Note that between (2) and (4), the belt directions changed around. Whether the result of my build commands is (1) or (3) is a design decision I suppose, but the result of undoing from (3) should be (2), not (4).

Fine print: Happens always, as far as I can tell (5/5 at least). This was recorded in the sandbox. Bots intervened by constructing the buildings, but I don't suppose that affects things. Oh, and I'm running helmod, but that thing doesn't interact with belts.

If you end up fixing the way the build commands work to avoid this issue, consider that there's probably still something wrong with undo operations somewhere.
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Re: [1.1.57] Undo on Underground belts may reverse them.

Post by Loewchen »

Undo generally does not reverse rotations. 75592
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