[1.1.53] Trains constructed by bots are occasionally disconnected from wagons.

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[1.1.53] Trains constructed by bots are occasionally disconnected from wagons.

Post by pieguy »

Usually the following BP will construct just fine, but occasionally one or more of the trains will not be connected to all its wagons. In my testing it rarely happens when using personal roboports. Failures mostly occurred when constructing from normal roboports.

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Re: [1.1.53] Trains constructed by bots are occasionally disconnected from wagons.

Post by boskid »

I am aware of this issue, it is the same issue as 72295 but the fix from the linked topic is failing to find a ghost diagonal rail when connected to a curved rail because of rail position function being inaccurate on the curved rail diagonal exit (it is incorrect by 2/256 of a tile). Because of that, it fails to consider ghost next to it as a continuation so a rolling stock may be placed on a rail with a ghost diagonal rail between for example locomotive and cargo wagon causing them to not connect. I will not be fixing this issue in 1.1 because it would be a relatively ugly hack (even if it is 2 lines of code changed since it would compare 2 map positions for being "relatively close" instead of being equal) and this issue was already fixed for 1.2.
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