I don't know what causes it, I don't know how it works, but for some reason, every once and a while, the game just "eats" my scroll wheel, as in the input is no longer detected, like how crummy platformers sometimes "eat" jumps. This isn't just for the game either, as long as the "bugged" session is running, my entire PC ignores the scroll wheel. I have to close my game for my scroll wheel to be detected again. Originally, I was OK with this, as I just figured it was an issue with my computer's individual parts and choice of mouse, but after experiencing this same damn bug on my cousin's PC, who uses a completely separate list of parts and a completely different set of specs, I realized it was a problem for more than just my computer
I do have some good news though. I experienced the bug in a session a few minutes ago, and that session lasted a grand total of 10 to 20 minutes, therefore I can give a somewhat accurate """log""" of my actions during the session. It's not perfect, so I've also included the save data at the start of the log and the end, which can hopefully clarify some of my language.
Here's the """log""":
- Load into my save(attached)
- Expand the landfill bridge until I run out of landfill
- Head back towards my car, paving the bridge in concrete
- Gather more landfill from my trunk
- Further expand the landfill bridge until I reach a biter nest, and retreat, lacking the arms to deal with the nest
- walk back to my car and return towards my base, at which point I notice the bug and save my game and quit.
Good luck.