[1.1.53] Gaps forming on belts before they reach any splitters or turns

Things that has been reported already before.
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[1.1.53] Gaps forming on belts before they reach any splitters or turns

Post by Scarab »

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This super-structure is supposed to be UTU but its running at 310/315 items per second. I'd like to find out why but somehow gaps are forming before the first splitters so I can't begin to understand whats wrong with the logic behind this supposedly being UTU.

No mods used. 1.1.53

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Re: [1.1.53] Gaps forming on belts before they reach any splitters or turns

Post by boskid »

Most likely this is related to 65493
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Re: [1.1.53] Gaps forming on belts before they reach any splitters or turns

Post by boskid »

I looked into this and it is the same issue as in the bug report above: when transport lines stop for a moment, they deactivate and their relative update order is lost. In another tick a splitter is updated when the input transport line was already updated so the item moves a little bit forward but it cannot recursively update the already updated input belt so the gap appears. I am considering this as a minor issue as in most cases it should only appear when you have belts which are stopping so having gaps does not decrease the throughput, but stopping of belts decreases it.

Whatever theory you want to put here for this structure to become a balancer, those 5 splitters alternating on 3 belts are not working as a balancer as they do not split incoming items equally over all their outputs.
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Re: [1.1.53] Gaps forming on belts before they reach any splitters or turns

Post by FuryoftheStars »

boskid wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 1:29 pm Whatever theory you want to put here for this structure to become a balancer, those 5 splitters alternating on 3 belts are not working as a balancer as they do not split incoming items equally over all their outputs.
I don't believe Scarab is creating a "true" balancer: viewtopic.php?f=202&t=100671
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Re: [1.1.53] Gaps forming on belts before they reach any splitters or turns

Post by Scarab »

The 5 splitters aren't meant to act as a true balancer, only as a medium to maintain throughput. And it's not my own design. It was found here in this stack overflow thread where it was verified mathematically, which lead to me exploring this area in the first place.

https://math.stackexchange.com/question ... m-factorio
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