Thoughts on using $HOME for __PATH__system-write-data__

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Lexxy Fox
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Thoughts on using $HOME for __PATH__system-write-data__

Post by Lexxy Fox »


On Linux it seems that Factorio uses

Code: Select all

getpwuid(getuid())->pw_dir + "/.factorio"
as the value of "__PATH__system-write-data__", which is a little inconvenient. Could the value of "__PATH__system-write-data__" be changed to "$HOME/.factorio" or maybe something else instead? Changing it to "$HOME/.factorio" shouldn't break too much, since for most people I'm sure that $HOME is generally equal to getpwuid(getuid())->pw_dir anyway.

Typically, XDG's paths are preferable, but failing that I believe using $HOME is much preferred over getpwuid() since it's easier to work with.

What I'd like:
1. For Factorio to instead use XDG paths as "__PATH__system-write-data__" values: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/factorio.ini for Factorio's config file, $XDG_CACHE_HOME/factorio for the "temp" folder and "crop-cache.dat", and $XDG_DATA_HOME/factorio for probably everything else? I think that's how it goes, I dunno. Somebody should spend more than 5 seconds thinking about good XDG compliance.
2. Don't like that? It is a big change, so here's a compromise: Use "$HOME/.factorio", falling back to getpwuid(getuid())->pw_dir if $HOME isn't defined.

P.S. Thank you so much for using /usr/share/factorio as "__PATH__system-read-data__"

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Re: Thoughts on using $HOME for __PATH__system-write-data__

Post by quyxkh »

You can point Factorio at anything you want in the config file, which you can call out from the command line. So to completely customize your setup you can make a ~/bin/Factorio (or wherever) options-processing frontend. My standard getopts seed template is

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while getopts x-: opt; do case $opt in 
	x) set -x ;;
	*) echo $opt $OPTIND $OPTARG ;;
esac; done; shift $((_=--OPTIND,OPTIND=1,_))
echo $OPTIND
and you can add anything to it, mine has slowly grown by accretion until it starts with this works-for-me monstrosity, with my default config file generator at the end of the quote here and factorio invoked with `$prefix/bin/factorio -c $config "${gameopts[@]}" "$@"`:

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# Factorio options-and-setup frontend, overrides native -s, -m
# to mean server and multiplayer-client startup
# makes default startup reload last local game, pass a bare `-` to not
graphics=${graphics-normal} gameopts=() annotopts=() loadgame=--load-game loadlatest=1; for f; do case $f in
	- | --create | --load-game | --benchmark* | --mp-connect \
		| --start-server* | --map2scenario | --scenario2map )
	loadlatest=0 ;;
esac; done
findgame() {
	# set any prefix/version/server path before asking for a game pattern
	local saves=${prefix-$HOME/.factorio$version$serverpath}/saves
	local IFS=$'\n'
	[[ ! -r $1 && $1 != */* ]] \
		&& set -- "`find $saves -iname "*$1*" -exec ls -t {} + |sed q`"
	[[ -r $1 ]] && loadlatest=0
	printf %s $1
while getopts :h?-:G:g:snp:qCc:xvVNmM:b:0123456789.t: opt; do case $opt in
	#*) [[ $- == *x* ]] && echo $OPTIND'*'$opt'*'$OPTARG ;;&
	[gmbnhC:]) loadlatest=0 ;;&  # want no-arg `-` to be `-n` equiv
	V) mods=vanilla ;;
	M) mods=$OPTARG ;;
	g) gameopts+=($loadgame "`findgame "$OPTARG"`") ;;
	m) gameopts+=(--mp-connect $(jq -r '."latest-multiplayer-connections"[0].address' ${prefix-$HOME/.factorio}/player-data.json)) ;;
	s) serverpath=/server loadgame=--start-server ;;
	b) gameopts+=(--benchmark "`findgame "$OPTARG"`" --disable-audio) graphics=very-low;;
	t) gameopts+=(--benchmark-ticks "$OPTARG") loadgame=--benchmark ;;
	G) graphics=$OPTARG ;;
	p) prefix=$OPTARG ;;
	x) set -x ;;
	c) config=$OPTARG ;;
	C) updateopt=d@0 loadlatest=0 ;;
	N) annotate= ;;
	q) annotopts+=(quiet=1) ;;
	# overcomplicated version-picker option parsing:
	[0-3]) version=${version-/}$opt ;;
	[4-9]) version=${version-/1}$opt ;;
	.) version=${version-/17}$opt;;
	# `--` stops frontend option processing, all long options passed along to
	# game engine, `--help` is processed by both frontend and engine
	"-") ((--OPTIND)); [[ $OPTARG = help  ]] && sed /^$/Q "$0"; break ;;
	# and `-h` is passed along too because that works well enough
	h|\?) sed '/^$/Q' "$0"; gameopts+=(-h) ;;
	v) gameopts+=(-v)
esac; done; shift $((OPTIND-1))

[[ -n $mods ]] && {
	[[ $mods = */* ]] || mods=$prefix/mods.$mods
	gameopts+=(--mod-directory "$mods")
	mkdir -p "$mods"

(( loadlatest && $# == 1 )) && [[ $1 != -* ]] && {
	gameopts+=($loadgame "`findgame "$1"`")


[[ -r $config ]] || cat <<-EOD >$config
	$([[ ${version:-/16} < /16 ]] || echo non-blocking-saving=true)

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