if you want to make them available in existing areas, you will need to enter a console command
Code: Select all
/c game.regenerateentity("cobalt-ore")
Code: Select all
/c game.regenerate_entity("cobalt-ore")
Also, what people were saying before. When you research Cobalt Processing, one of the recipes that is unlocked has the icon of a copper plate. This processes copper, and a few other ingredients in an Advanced copper processing recipe to create Copper plates and Cobalt Oxide. The idea is that you replace your copper production (or part of it) with this recipe, and the Cobalt Oxide byproduct is more than enough to make Lithium Ion Batteries with. Factorio doesn't display the recipe's name, which makes it a bit harder to find.
I suppose I should change the icon to be a copper plate with cobalt oxide smaller in the corner or something, to indicate you get both?