Adds a variant of the constant combinator; instead of outputing constants you specify, though, it takes the types you specify and gets the values from the local logistics network, allowing you to build combinator and other circuit network systems that use data from the logistics network.
- Name: Logistic Combinators
- Description: Adds logistic combinators, which pull signals from logistics and feed into circuit networks.
- License: MIT
- Version: 0.1.2
- Release: 2015-8-9
- Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.12
- Category: SimpleExtension
- Tags: Circuit Network, logistics, logistic network, combinators
- Download-Url: https://github.com/GopherAtl/logistic-c ... _0.1.2.zip
- Website: https://github.com/GopherAtl/logistic-c ... ree/master