Description: Offshore pumps slowly drain lakes until they are removed entirely.
Licence: MIT
Version: 1.0.0
Last Release: 2015-08-04
Tested With Factorio: 0.12.1
Dependencies: Factorio 0.12.x
Tags: Enhancement, Water, Lakes, Finite
Updated download by db48x.
This mod adds functionality for finite water. Offshore pumps will slowly drain lakes, causing them to shrink until they disappear entirely. The more pumps at a single lake, the faster it's drained. Huge oceans aren't affected and are still infinite sources of water.
See a GIF of Finite Water in action. (Sped up for demonstration purposes)
If you want to change how fast the water is drained, perhaps to show it off in a spotlight, then in water_drain.lua you can change line 11: "local WATER_PER_TILE". Setting that to something small like 1 or 0.5 will cause lakes to drain really fast.