I dont know if this was already suggested but queuing research would be nice. I waste too much time in my games forgetting to select a topic for research.
I agree with this. Sometimes I plan order of next researches, but I forget it before the current research ends and then I must think again, which technologies I wanted. Or I start some wrong research and then I realize, that I needed different one for the thing I'm just trying to build.
Maybe there should also be support for more simultaneous researches, if there are another types of laboratories requiring different supplies, for example bobs module labs.
Sometimes modifying mods makes more fun than playing them.
Everything else in Factorio is about thinking ahead, doing the Grand Mastermind Plan. You're trying to set up a factory facility that runs as smoothly as possible, idealy with no need for intervention at all, even when the aliens attack!
But there's one place in which you have to act manually, and that is to choose every new thing to research, one at a time. I often find that extremely intrusive. I'm busy setting up a Transport Belt line, or a combination of Assembly Machines, or fighting some aliens, when all of a sudden this window pops up and the game pauses, and I'm forced to deal with it right now..
I know I can close the window with Esc, and postpone the decision (at the cost of losing progress time). I often do. But it's stupid. It's not only inferior to other 21st century-grade strategy games (or games with strategy elements) - it's also very non-Factorio, this lack of the ability to set up a research queue, so that the research system will just putter away until all the queued up inventions have been invented and the Research window pops up and asks "What now?"
I've seen various threads on research but I haven't found one about starting a research then switching over to another research and it keeping the progress of the previous research. I have a tendency to start a long-term research then look back at other things I could get, find out there's a quick upgrade I could do, but I have to wait for the previous to be done or else it will start over.
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