2: Pay
3, install factorio.
4, ?????
5: Profit !
Nah J/K.
Seriously this need some rookie/intermediate linuxskills to proceed. Since this will focus on HOW to get it running, not how to register a VPSaccount, pay, download factorio to it etc.
Step 1 is beginning from when you have factorio.12 tar,gz downloaded to your shellaccount.
Real step 1:
tar -zxvf factorio<version>.tar.gz to unpack it.
Step 2: get into the factoriofolder and type:
echo 'void*XOpenDisplay(){return 0;}int XInitThreads(){return 1;}' > x.c && cc -shared -o libX11.so.6 x.c && touch empty.c && for i in libXext.so.6 libXfixes.so.3 libXcursor.so.1 libXrender.so.1 libXrandr.so.2 libXinerama.so.1 libGL.so.1 libXi.so.6 libXcursor.so.1; do cc -shared -o $i empty.c; done
Step2 note: This is for tricking factorio it got stuff like mousepointer, ALSA drivers for sound etc.
Step 3: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./factorio --start-server --create <savename>
Step3 notes: This will trick linux to think you have all the stuff like mousepointers etc into this directory, making empty files so its.. "ok"
Step 4: Upload preffered save or start a new game.
New save: Let the --start-server --create <name> just run.
Load savegame: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./factorio --start-server <savegame-zip>
The end. Note that commands are case sens. Especially savegames.

-s [ --map2scenario ] arg map to scenario conversion
-v [ --convert ] SAVE[, SAVE...] convert maps from previous versions to
current version
--apply-update arg immediately apply update package
--create SAVE create a new map
--start-server SAVE start a multiplayer server
--mp-load-game SAVE start factorio and load game for
--mp-connect ADDRESS start factorio and connect to address
--benchmark SAVE load save and run benchmark
--benchmark-ticks N (=1000) number of ticks for benchmarking. Default
is 1000
Server options:
--latency N multiplayer server latency, in ticks
--latency-ms N multiplayer server latency, in milliseconds
--autosave-interval N (=2) server autosave interval, in minutes
--autosave-slots N (=3) server autosave slots
--autoupdate-stage2 arg internal use only
--autoupdate-finished internal use only
I only post this cause its the way _i_ got it working.