[MOD 0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

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[MOD 0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

Post by orzelek »

  • Name: ScienceCostTweaker
  • Latest Release: v0.0.2, July 25, 2015
  • Factorio Version: 0.12.x
  • Download: Attached
  • License: Not sure - reposting the mod only
  • Tags: science cost
  • Author: UberWaffe
Long Description:
This mod can be used as a simple alternative to marathon mod. It increases science costs significantly (4x to 9x depending on tier) - you need bigger factory to feed your science labs.
I'm reposting it with upgrade to 0.12 and tweaked multipliers.
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Re: [0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

Post by UberWaffe »

Latest version:
(1.17 MiB) Downloaded 238 times
Github link: https://github.com/UberWaffe/ScienceCostTweaker
Changelog 0.12.1
Hey, thanks for updating this!
Didn't think anyone was actually using this. :P

Adjusting the Modifiers
If anyone wants to personalize the modifiers in their own game, take a look at "data-final-fixes.lua".

Inside you will find this section:

Code: Select all

	timeMultiplier = 1.0; -- How much the time of the research is multiplied by
	countMultiplier = 1.0; -- How much the count (number of research steps) of the research is multiplied by
	costMultiplier = 2.0; -- How much the number of science packs per research-step of the research is multiplied by
	if (tier == 2) then
		timeMultiplier = 0.5;
		countMultiplier = 2.0;
		costMultiplier = 2.0;
	if (tier == 3) then
		timeMultiplier = 0.5;
		countMultiplier = 3.0;
		costMultiplier = 2.0;
	if (tier == 4) then
		timeMultiplier = 0.5;
		countMultiplier = 3.0;
		costMultiplier = 3.0;
You can tweak the numbers there to your heart's content.

If you want to make the costs really extreme, I would suggest not making tier 1 and tier 2 cost too much (orzelek's default numbers are great).
Since that way you can at least get to train technology before you are forced to go far and wide for resources.
Last edited by UberWaffe on Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:33 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: [0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

Post by cpy »

Doesn't scalar mod do that and more?
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Re: [0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

Post by UberWaffe »

This is very similar, but the way it scales is slightly different.
This scales the research by figuring out what tier it is, by means of what science packs are used.
(Red only = Tier 1. Green used = Tier 2. Blue used = Tier 3. Purple used = Tier 4)
It can then apply multipliers based on the tier to all values (so number of research steps, the number of science packs per step, the time).

(Or in other words, this allows you to scale initial and late-game research differently.)

In the version I am playing with now I also attempt to create a completely separate production line for science packs (i.e. science packs have their own intermediate products, and no longer are made up by mashing inserters and conveyor belts together).

The experimental (as in I haven't done a full playthrough with it yet) source code can be found on the (newly created) github page: https://github.com/UberWaffe/ScienceCostTweaker

Or the zip can be downloaded here: [EDIT: Removed the attachment. Newer version available.]

Note: Experimental version is still using placeholder graphics.

@orzelek: I don't mean to make light of your work on this. I had not known anyone was really interested in this at all. Hence the changes I've made to this over the weeks since the v0.11 version I had not uploaded since.
If you are interested I'll add you as a contributor and give you write access on the GitHub. You're more than welcome to hack around with it as you please.
Last edited by UberWaffe on Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

Post by cpy »

Oh this is good! If you can make it scale biters evolution pollution/time/kill as well.

Then you could probably add option to scale per science pack maybe?

Like tier one: 1x red 2x time
tier 2: 10x red 5x green 8x time
like this and 10x slower biters, this sounds like it would be awesome!

How you handle things that use red/green/alien vs red/green/blue vs red/green/blue/alien?
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Re: [0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

Post by orzelek »

Not a problem - I'm using it in this variant so I had it updated.
I need to take a look at scalar also - but I'm very reluctant to get anything that will seriously increase amount of alien science packs required.
I'm not inclined to go for thousands of tiles to make lots of those - this version of cost tweaker already makes those prices hefty.

@cpy - this is what I'm using instead of marathon mod :D
It's effects are similar for time of playing but it doesn't change how you build your factory. For that I have DyTech or bob's mod packs.
For biters I'm using Natural Evolution but it can be harsh until you get your hands on terraformers to keep evolution factor in check.
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Re: [0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

Post by UberWaffe »

orzelek wrote:Not a problem - I'm using it in this variant so I had it updated.
I need to take a look at scalar also - but I'm very reluctant to get anything that will seriously increase amount of alien science packs required.
I'm not inclined to go for thousands of tiles to make lots of those - this version of cost tweaker already makes those prices hefty.
In the experimental version (0.12.0) I posted, I added custom recipes for science packs.
Amongst other things I upped the amount of purple science packs you can get per alien artifact (up from 20 to 200).
I figured people can then tweak the tier 4 costs and the number of alien science packs needed separately.

Specifically, an alien artifact (along with iron and copper plates) gives you 200x bio processor. Each of which can be combined with an overclocker (iron + copper + water) to make an purple science pack.

This probably needs tweaking, but was chosen since I play with x20 cost for tier 4 research.

cpy wrote:Oh this is good! If you can make it scale biters evolution pollution/time/kill as well.

Then you could probably add option to scale per science pack maybe?

Like tier one: 1x red 2x time
tier 2: 10x red 5x green 8x time
like this and 10x slower biters, this sounds like it would be awesome!

How you handle things that use red/green/alien vs red/green/blue vs red/green/blue/alien?
I'll look into adding that level of tweaking per science pack type per research tier, and the evolution adjustments (there is code for that already to some extent.)
Shouldn't be too hard.
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Re: [0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

Post by orzelek »

Can you just drop the multiplier from 20 to 3-4 and then reduce a bit the production?
Unless you are aiming for causing logistical issues with science pack delivery it doesn't change that much.

I'm curious how it will work with bob's mods since he also added new science packs - they are used for higher tier research.
Looking forward to new version :)
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Re: [0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

Post by UberWaffe »

Newest version (0.12.1) available from the second post.

  • Science packs now have their own production chains (new intermediate products) and their own flavour text.
  • Config option (default=false) for bob's mods. Making science packs cost some resources from bob's mods.
  • Initial handling of new science packs from bob's mods.
  • Config option (default=true) for having tiered science labs. (Tier 1 can only do red science, tier 2 red + green, etc.) Higher tiers more costly and much more power hungry.
  • Config option for adjusting evolution rate. (Default, 3 times slower from pollution. 10 times slower from time.)
  • Cost multiplier of each individual type of science pack can be adjusted per technology tier.
  • Default cost multipliers is as orzelek set up. (Less crazy than what I had.) Can still be easily adjusted in "data-final-fixes.lua"
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Re: [0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

Post by orzelek »

Ohh cool.. now need to finish my current game and start one with bob's mods :D

You can try dynamic detection of bob's mods. Just need to add them as optional dependency and check for remote interface.
I'm not sure if mod that adds new science has any interfaces - ores one has it for sure.

You might want to get new thread up and archive this one so you can post in first post.

Small thing: you could hide components for blue and alien science packs and lock them out until packs are unlocked.
Also "sacrifical" stuff sounds a bit strange to me. I can't figure out better name atm :D

I really like having separate components for science packs - not the stuff you would usually use to build factory :D

Edit 2:
Your bob mods tweaks made a bit of a mess - inserter requires electronic boards :D
This doesn't end well - especially at beginning of game.
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Re: [0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

Post by cpy »

When i finish game with bob and scalar my next game will be SCT+Bob
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Re: [0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

Post by UberWaffe »

orzelek wrote:You can try dynamic detection of bob's mods. Just need to add them as optional dependency and check for remote interface.
I'm not sure if mod that adds new science has any interfaces - ores one has it for sure.
Currently I'm checking if bob's mods is installed by checking for certain entities existing. It appeared to be a common method of doing it.
If those entities do not exist, then the bobsmod config option is ignored even when set to true.
orzelek wrote:Small thing: you could hide components for blue and alien science packs and lock them out until packs are unlocked.
Also "sacrifical" stuff sounds a bit strange to me. I can't figure out better name atm :D
I went with sacrificial since that is what they call instrumentation (specifically sacrificial thermocouples) that are once-off use.
I.e. you destroy the instrument during use. (Sidenote: Sacrificial thermocouples are what they stick inside furnaces during the initial heat-up and thermal expansion phase so that you can see what the temperature on the inside of the furnace is doing. They obviously do not survive the process.)

But I am open to any suggestions for different names.
orzelek wrote:Your bob mods tweaks made a bit of a mess - inserter requires electronic boards :D
This doesn't end well - especially at beginning of game.
Apologies. That was supposed to be in an 'test' config option that is disabled by default. Completely forgot about doing that.
Will fix it in the next version.
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Re: [0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

Post by orzelek »

I untweak-ed it for now in my copy.

I think you should talk with bob - he meant to make more use for those basic circuit boards :D
Idea is quite sound since they can be made quite early - just needs few more exceptions probably so that you can start automation reasonably quickly with only circuit board bases and then build actual electronic components and start making proper circuit boards.
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Re: [0.12.x] Science Cost Tweaker

Post by UberWaffe »

New thread can be found here: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... 91&t=14294

@orzelek: I'll have a chat with bob. For now I've uploaded a new version, in which those changes are behind a config option. (Default = false).
New version also hides the tier 3 and tier 4 science pack intermediates and labs until appropriate research is done.

Also, please let me know if the recipes for the intermediate products do not make sense.
I tried to keep them somewhat inline with the complexity and cost of vanilla science packs, but they are currently only my own take on it, with no outside sanity checking applied.

@sslik: Is it possible to lock this thread? The new one should be where the discussion continues.
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