Help Finding C++ Tutorial

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Help Finding C++ Tutorial

Post by RanDumSocks »

I have been a huge fan of Factorio and have been inspired by many other indie games. I have heard that Factorio was written in C++. Does anyone have any good and informative tutorials that you may know about? Preferably ones that address everything about game-making mechanics (drawing sprites, window setup, scrolling menus, FPS moderation et. cetera) because I already know C++'s syntax. A more advanced tutorial would be much appreciated.
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Re: Help Finding C++ Tutorial

Post by LBEaston »

Looks much like an advertising, but because about games it will be not deleted and moved to off-topic. -- ssilk

You should check out Handmade Hero.
Burner Inserter
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Re: Help Finding C++ Tutorial

Post by RanDumSocks »

LBEaston wrote:Looks much like an advertising, but because about games it will be not deleted and moved to off-topic. -- ssilk

You should check out Handmade Hero.
This is just what I was looking for! Thank you very much :D
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Re: Help Finding C++ Tutorial

Post by Xunie »

I'd argue that a guy making a videogame(?) is not what you want to be looking at when you want to learn C++.

What you want to look into is simple tutorials telling you how to do stuff like simple input/output followed by you doing some testing to see what works and what doesn't, doing some fizz buzz or Project Euler to get your early skills in.
Don't worry about any advanced concepts until a tutorial covers them that you understand. C++ under the hood is a complicated language that has quite some quirks.

As for getting started? Either get your own C++ environment set up with a compiler or just use to get started.
Mind you that Coliru does not support user input!

There are some absolute rules for getting started with programming:
  • * Don't switch languages until you can call yourself a competent programmer
    * Don't switch languages because someone tells you something is a better language
    * Don't switch languages even if you've only 'learnt' a language for two short tutorials
    * Just stick with the language you have the most experience in. Don't, ever, switch, languages until you run into the constraints of your current one. (I can't stress this enough!)

    * Do experiment yourself, you can't learn from just following tutorials.
    * Do seek advice from people (forums/IRC/etc).
    * Do seek a mentor (like me!)
I'll gladly tutor you or anyone interested in learning C++, like I have with many others as long as you put in the effort and come back for lessons.
All I care about is seeing people become competent programmers. The only thing I want from you is coming back for lessons and having reasonable English skills.
I sure hope the Factorio devs don't care if I advertise myself a little bit, but I tutor people over stuff like Skype for voice and stuff like, free of charge, no strings attached! Money back guarantee! :^)
If you're interested and have little to no skill or experience? Message me! If you do have experience? Don't hesitate either? There's always something to learn.

I'm currently teaching someone the ropes of python they didn't cover in their school's classes.
Not because python is such a 'good beginner language' (it ain't), but because they 'learnt' python in whatever 'school' or 'college' they attend they attend and they already have experience in it.
My current (and only) student is tackling something immense for their skill level: Tetris.
We started with nothing and I told her what I thought the best way to structure something like this in terms of functions, and off we went!
At the early parts of the program? I had to hold her hand through every function.
But after three or four lessons? She's setting up user-input callbacks herself!

(Funny thing is that the 'programming' they 'teach' you in early academia isn't at all anything that sticks. The lessons don't connect to one-another, they throw you off the deep end into some badly written 'program' and ask you to complete the functions. The end result here is that who ever is doing the 'learning' simply learns what they must do in order to make the program 'work'. They don't learn what a function or it's arguments are. Because that knowledge doesn't stick long enough to be used. All that sticks is "do this to make this do that". I've taught my student more jargon in three 2-hour lessons than they taught her in an entire semester! I now have a student who can clearly communicate to me what they would like to do and one who actually understands that a function doesn't run if you don't call it.)
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