Friday facts #95 - 0.12 Release today

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Re: Friday facts #95 - 0.12 Release today

Post by ratchetfreak »

It's just good UX to have a chance of correcting a missclick that does something drastic. That's either an undo button or a confirmation dialog.

Deleting is pretty hard to undo so a confirmation dialog is your best bet.
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Re: Friday facts #95 - 0.12 Release today

Post by Oxyd »

cube wrote:
Cooolaid wrote:One thing I would like for the creator of Factorio Game to do is.
Place a confirmation popup when deleting a Saved World.
Pressing Delete Save instantly deletes it, but if you mistakenly misclicked on the wrong Saved World, you're basically screwed.
It just happened to me. There should be a confirmation popup when deleting a Saved World.
Good point, I'll add it to our list.
Done in 0.12.1.
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Re: Friday facts #95 - 0.12 Release today

Post by jockeril »

ScoobTheNoob wrote:Ref# Saves,

Rant begins..

it is already bad enough that Windows asks if I want to shut down, open a file from the internet, delete file, save file, in fact do anything that involves productivity.

In fact it asks me if I am sure, to which I think no I am not sure that is why I performed the often complex set of arguments and requests to get this message, ie, clicked on start then selected shutdown, located the file and then pressed delete..

I was sure enough to parse those instructions, there is a good chance Windows NT kernel that I did in fact have a degree of certainty that this was indeed the action I desired, asking me at this late stage in the operation is not going to shift my decision making process.

So no I do not want yet another program asking me if I am sure I want to do something.

So here is my solution, disable the option to manually delete a file within game, and instead players can manually put the save files into recycle bin, or .... as most distros and Windows have a recycle bin, simply commit the delete of file to the trash can, this way when a player like herp derpinstein derps and deletes his 5000 hour gaming time map he or she does not whinge about it, and simply restores from the trash can...
nice rant, wanted to shout at you in the middle that you should thank the windows devs for putting a conformation prompt as a last resort to save you from your mistakes (these prompts, as well as the recycle bin are a result of years of feedback from the community - yes even windows has one), you saved the day in the end - I second the deletion of a save actually moving a save to the recycle bin, although a confirmation prompt there is a better choice and I think easier to program. lets see what the #devs decide 8-)

Edit: There you go, by the time I got to answering to you, #devs already made a confirmation popup that will be there in 0.12.1

guys - if you feel we don't say it enough, here it is - THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS GAME AND FOR LISTENING TO US :D
Last edited by jockeril on Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Friday facts #95 - 0.12 Release today

Post by Darthlawsuit »

Just like to say that your .12 multiplayer is about as stable as many 1.0 releases of games I have played. Your definitely on the right track. Also multiplayer is really fun it really goes well with this game.
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Re: Friday facts #95 - 0.12 Release today

Post by Schorty »

3 Friends of mine and myself played 5 hours straight and had not a single crash, desync whatever. Just a bit of lag, but that is due to the crappy internet connection from one of us, so yeah! :D

As far as I remember, this is the most stable .0 release I have ever whitnessed. Cheers!
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Re: Friday facts #95 - 0.12 Release today

Post by ScoobTheNoob »

jockeril wrote:
ScoobTheNoob wrote:Ref# Saves,

Rant begins..

it is already bad enough that Windows asks if I want to shut down, open a file from the internet, delete file, save file, in fact do anything that involves productivity.

In fact it asks me if I am sure, to which I think no I am not sure that is why I performed the often complex set of arguments and requests to get this message, ie, clicked on start then selected shutdown, located the file and then pressed delete..

I was sure enough to parse those instructions, there is a good chance Windows NT kernel that I did in fact have a degree of certainty that this was indeed the action I desired, asking me at this late stage in the operation is not going to shift my decision making process.

So no I do not want yet another program asking me if I am sure I want to do something.

So here is my solution, disable the option to manually delete a file within game, and instead players can manually put the save files into recycle bin, or .... as most distros and Windows have a recycle bin, simply commit the delete of file to the trash can, this way when a player like herp derpinstein derps and deletes his 5000 hour gaming time map he or she does not whinge about it, and simply restores from the trash can...
nice rant, wanted to shout at you in the middle that you should thank the windows devs for putting a conformation prompt as a last resort to save you from your mistakes (these prompts, as well as the recycle bin are a result of years of feedback from the community - yes even windows has one), you saved the day in the end - I second the deletion of a save actually moving a save to the recycle bin, although a confirmation prompt there is a better choice and I think easier to program. lets see what the #devs decide 8-)

Edit: There you go, by the time I got to answering to you, #devs already made a confirmation popup that will be there in 0.12.1

guys - if you feel we don't say it enough, here it is - THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS GAME AND FOR LISTENING TO US :D
Yes, praise indeed to the Factorio devs, :)

But it is so simple to commit a file to the trash can... I mean really really simple, last time I checked it was one extra argument.

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

Code: Select all

public class FileOperationAPIWrapper
        /// <summary>
        /// Possible flags for the SHFileOperation method.
        /// </summary>
        public enum FileOperationFlags : ushort
            /// <summary>
            /// Do not show a dialog during the process
            /// </summary>
            FOF_SILENT = 0x0004,
            /// <summary>
            /// Do not ask the user to confirm selection
            /// </summary>
            FOF_NOCONFIRMATION = 0x0010,
            /// <summary>
            /// Delete the file to the recycle bin.  (Required flag to send a file to the bin
            /// </summary>
            FOF_ALLOWUNDO = 0x0040,
            /// <summary>
            /// Do not show the names of the files or folders that are being recycled.
            /// </summary>
            FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS = 0x0100,
            /// <summary>
            /// Surpress errors, if any occur during the process.
            /// </summary>
            FOF_NOERRORUI = 0x0400,
            /// <summary>
            /// Warn if files are too big to fit in the recycle bin and will need
            /// to be deleted completely.
            /// </summary>
            FOF_WANTNUKEWARNING = 0x4000,

        /// <summary>
        /// File Operation Function Type for SHFileOperation
        /// </summary>
        public enum FileOperationType : uint
            /// <summary>
            /// Move the objects
            /// </summary>
            FO_MOVE = 0x0001,
            /// <summary>
            /// Copy the objects
            /// </summary>
            FO_COPY = 0x0002,
            /// <summary>
            /// Delete (or recycle) the objects
            /// </summary>
            FO_DELETE = 0x0003,
            /// <summary>
            /// Rename the object(s)
            /// </summary>
            FO_RENAME = 0x0004,

        /// <summary>
        /// SHFILEOPSTRUCT for SHFileOperation from COM
        /// </summary>
        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
        private struct SHFILEOPSTRUCT

            public IntPtr hwnd;
            public FileOperationType wFunc;
            public string pFrom;
            public string pTo;
            public FileOperationFlags fFlags;
            public bool fAnyOperationsAborted;
            public IntPtr hNameMappings;
            public string lpszProgressTitle;

        [DllImport("shell32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
        private static extern int SHFileOperation(ref SHFILEOPSTRUCT FileOp);

        /// <summary>
        /// Send file to recycle bin
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Location of directory or file to recycle</param>
        /// <param name="flags">FileOperationFlags to add in addition to FOF_ALLOWUNDO</param>
        public static bool Send(string path, FileOperationFlags flags)
                var fs = new SHFILEOPSTRUCT
                                            wFunc = FileOperationType.FO_DELETE,
                                            pFrom = path + '\0' + '\0',
                                            fFlags = FileOperationFlags.FOF_ALLOWUNDO | flags
                SHFileOperation(ref fs);
                return true;
            catch (Exception)
                return false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Send file to recycle bin.  Display dialog, display warning if files are too big to fit (FOF_WANTNUKEWARNING)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Location of directory or file to recycle</param>
        public static bool Send(string path)
            return Send(path, FileOperationFlags.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FileOperationFlags.FOF_WANTNUKEWARNING);

        /// <summary>
        /// Send file silently to recycle bin.  Surpress dialog, surpress errors, delete if too large.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Location of directory or file to recycle</param>
        public static bool MoveToRecycleBin(string path)
            return Send(path, FileOperationFlags.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FileOperationFlags.FOF_NOERRORUI | FileOperationFlags.FOF_SILENT);


        private static bool deleteFile(string path, FileOperationFlags flags)
                var fs = new SHFILEOPSTRUCT
                                            wFunc = FileOperationType.FO_DELETE,
                                            pFrom = path + '\0' + '\0',
                                            fFlags = flags
                SHFileOperation(ref fs);
                return true;
            catch (Exception)
                return false;

        public static bool DeleteCompletelySilent(string path)
            return deleteFile(path,
                              FileOperationFlags.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FileOperationFlags.FOF_NOERRORUI |
Yep I copied and pasted, no need to reinvent the wheel.

In fact it could be done in a lot less code.
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Re: Friday facts #95 - 0.12 Release today

Post by RMJ »

I\m hearing new music. Please tell me you didn remove the old music. Because it was very good :(
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