And so I went to work with the following criteria in mind: The factory must be able to produce 20+ of any science packs in 30 seconds or less. The goal being to be able to use 20 labs constantly to research techs with 30 seconds steps. Techs with 60 seconds steps are use to catch your breath or to stockpile science packs to research techs with 15 seconds steps without slow downs. This is what I came up with.

(Click image for full size)
Now that I toke the time to design my own science factory, I don't mind being spoiled about it anymore. So go ahead and teach to this noob the proper way to build this

Design notes
The factory was designed in such a way that you can build the red pack first and use only that. Then tack on the greens... and so on. A partial build is fully operational (20+ packs in 30 seconds or less). In fact more than half of the whole thing is there just to make blue packs.
The reason I loop the science packs belts is to make sure that all stockpiled packs remain available to all science labs. With a dead end, only a portion of your science labs can benefit from your stockpile.
Inputting steel on the right side would have been much easier. But I really wanted all inputs on the same side and relatively close to each other.
I know about robots and there awesomeness. I will definitively design stuff with them in the future. But I would like to master belt based factories first.
The purple pack assembly in the middle can easily be removed in favor of a robot port if needed. The purple assembly can be relocated on the left of the bottom one.
The solar panels and accumulators are only to make empty space useful. I figure it is better than nothing.
I really did not want a "line factory" (very long and thin). I much prefer a "box factory".