Hello and welcome:)Aarkreinsil wrote:Heya, this is my first post here, so it might be a little bit excessive.. yay<3
True, big forests are now very effective in absorbing the pollution. In the future we would like to add one more mechanic here, being that the pollution also slowly kills the trees (and changes them to dead tree trunks).Aarkreinsil wrote:ust tried out the 0.7.0 version and the first thing I'm noticing is, that the nearby forest soaks up my pollution pretty good, the red squares on the map keep flashing like crazy as they try to expand into the forest, but are being absorbed immediately. That way, building a wall of trees might actually be more beneficial than building a wall of bricks, if you wanna keep the aliens out. Saplings, anyone?
Yes, we need to tweak the alien colonization. It is a bit unpredictable at the moment. For instance imagine there is a transport belt in the open moving stuff from your mining facility to the base. Normally the enemies would not attack the belt itself, just for the sake of it. That is good, because otherwise you just have to protect everything and that imho kills the fun. On the other hand if they happen to build a colony close to the belt, then they will go and destroy it, because it is a players creation close to their base. So this is wrong.Aarkreinsil wrote:On another note, I think you should restrict the alien colonization to reclaiming destroyed bases. So they won't build new settlements all over the place, but rather just try to reclaim the bases that you destroyed beforehand, or something.
The spreading of settlements should be optional, though, otherwise it might get a bit annoying if you want aliens but don't wanna see them occupying the whole map.
The boilers do produce pollution. Pretty much anything that burns coal does. But maybe not as much as the mining drills. The reason for this is twofold:Aarkreinsil wrote:Also, what kinda baffled me was that boilers don't produce any pollution, and that electrical mining drills produce more pollution than the burner variant. Why?
Electrical drills don't produce any CO2, as far as I know. I mean, have you ever had your room polluted by an electric fan or even an air conditioning machine?
Sure, they might stir up some dust from the ground, but I don't think that's what pollution is about.
1) The "pollution" in case of mining drills is more related to the fact, that they destroy the ecosystem by mining resources.
2) If mining drills don't produce any pollution at all then you can freely build mining expansions without worrying about them being attacked.
We though about it. However at the moment the wind changes direction way too often. That means there would be practically no strategical benefit to having pollution depend on the wind. But maybe if the wind would be more stable (and then different in different parts of the world) we could change it.Aarkreinsil wrote:One final question: I noticed that there is actually wind in the game, which blows the steam/smoke puffs around in different directions. Will you utilize that for pollution mechanics, too?
Thank you, it means a lot to us.Aarkreinsil wrote:Oh and of course, this is a great game which I already recommended to some of my friends. We're anticipating the multiplayer part, and have no doubt that this will be a big hit on Steam Greenlight and Early Access. Keep on rollin' and stay on track~