- A locomotive that places rails, signals and poles while driving.
Features- places rails, signals, electric poles, concrete,.. while driving
- customizable placement of poles, multiple parallel tracks, lamps, turrets etc. with blueprints
- places concrete too: To get concrete into one blueprint with tracks and stuff see this reddit post
- Bulldozer mode: removes rails,signals, poles, lamps, walls behind the train
- Maintenance mode: removes rails,signals, poles, lamps, walls in front of the train, places new layout
- removes trees and stone rocks that are in the way (and adds 1 raw wood per tree to cargo)
- place rails on water if the train has concrete loaded
- connects poles with red/green wires
- Cruise control: keeps the speed at ~87km/h (full speed when not placing rails) without pressing W, deactivate by pressing S
- Support for modded rails, changeable via the settings
- Name: FARL
- Latest Release: 1.0.8, May 24, 2017
- Factorio Version: 0.15.x
- Download: FARL 1.0.8
- Demo map for blueprints: https://github.com/Choumiko/FARL/releas ... amples.zip (FARL 0.5.13+)
- License: MIT
- Dependencies:
- Website: github
Version history
Changelog here: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Choumiko/FARL
- 0.5.35
- fixed signals not being found in blueprints if placed in the wrong tile
- fixed error with hazard-concrete
- 0.5.34
- fixed bulldozer mode eating rails when removing curved track
- 0.5.33
- removed workaround for Facotrio bug
- 0.5.32
- fixed signal distance on vertical tracks
- 0.5.31
- fixed bulldozer mode not working
- fixed error when creating default blueprints
- 0.5.29/0.5.30
- add 15 stone to cargo when a rock is removed
- require landfill item to bridge water
- remove 4 rail pieces per curve placed
- added swedish translation
- 0.5.28
- fixed creating out-of-map tiles when removing concrete on ribbon maps
- fixed placing concrete on out-of-map tiles
- fixed modded poles not working correctly
- updated hebrew locale
- 0.5.27
- works with Big Brother
- added norwegian locale by AlexSpandex
- might work with 0.13 (or not due to trainlength/circuit network changes)
- 0.5.26
- added option to toggle mirroring of concrete (157916)
- clearing trees that have other mining results than raw wood give about half the amount as manualy removing them would
- minor fixes
- 0.5.25
- requires Factorio 0.12.32+
- fix LHD not liking right turns, RHD not liking left turns with parallel tracks
- fixed default blueprints for 0.12.32
- 0.5.24
- fixed error when mining a FARL locomotive
- requires Factorio 0.12.29+
- 0.5.23
- fix maintenance mode not checking cargo contents for parallel tracks
- added spanish translation by frenchiveruti
- fix upgrading from versions below 0.5.13
- 0.5.22
- fix error with FatController (0.4.1+) where FARL would keep laying tracks while player remote controls another train
- 0.5.21
- fixed lamps from Concrete Lamppost mod being added to cargo when removing the pole
- save blueprints/settings by player index instead of name
- 0.5.20
- fixed first signal after activation being placed the wrong distance
- 0.5.19
- changes to Bulldozer mode:
- requires a FARL at both ends of the train (direction doesn't matter)
- removes stuff in front and behind the train
- doesn't place anything besides the rail it drives on (and removes it afterwards)
- readded Maintenance mode: removes old layout in front of the train and places the new one. You still have to steer it yourself
- removed -root mode, nearly the same results with bulldozer now.
- select a land tile nearby when replacing concrete (less odd looking stripes of land)
- fix concrete being removed when activating bulldozer
- fix error when picking up stone path
- removed unused/old settings
- minor performance improvement (?)
- 0.5.17
- Bulldozer mode (WIP): removes tracks, signals, poles, walls, concrete, lamps in front of the train
- fix -root mode not working at all
- fixed parallel curves being placed wrong when trying a 90° turn
- fixed wrong signal direction when they where placed as ghosts in a blueprint
- 0.5.16
- fixed AssignID error again (hopefully forever)
- fixed error when a force was created by another mod (e.g. Smarter Circuitrys Actuator)
- 0.5.15
- fixed signals left of the "main track" being placed 1 track too soon
- Hazard/Fire marking concrete (from Color Coding) are now mirrored correctly when used in blueprints
- fixed loading error with 5dims trains
- fixed typo in locale key
- 0.5.14
- parallel signals now always get placed in line with the main signal, even after curves
- fixed first signal after activation being placed in the wrong direction
- fixed activation problems with long trains
- correct "out of X" message when using stone-path in blueprints
- removed debug output
- 0.5.13
single lane fixes: - fix trees not getting removed for straight tracks
- fix walls not being placed
- prevent path being emptied for long farl trains (led to poles/concrete/walls not being placed properly)
- fix error with stone-path
- don't try removing 0 items from cargo
- store up to 3 different track layouts
- you should be able to use any pole from whatever mod, as many as you want. FARL will choose the one with the longest reach and use this as the main one
- Walls (and concrete) are placed for every track, not only whenever a pole is placed
- FARL will use up 4 straight rails instead of curved rails if necessary
- 0.5.0
Changes/Additions:- FARL now places parallel curves
- FARL now can place concrete if defined in blueprints
- removed "minimal pole placement" option, FARL will now only connect to poles it placed itself
- added 2 buttons in the settings to create example blueprints for 2 lane tracks with concrete in them
- added basic statistics, # of entities placed/removed by FARL, accessible via Settings
- Maintenance mode (will be back)
- Blueprint that gets placed whenever FARL lays down a track (e.g. to more easily being able to wall your tracks in)
- Allow non vanilla electric poles to be used in blueprints
- performance (especially in thick forests/on diagonals)
- Signal placement becomes OCD-unfriendly after a curve, simply stop and start FARL again
even older Version history
Usage & configuration- 0.4.41
- check if YARM has required interface
- don't try to start on curves (needs rewrite first)
- fix some errors (blueprints with only tiles set)
- 0.4.4
- requires Factorio 0.12.12
- fix GUI not working after loading a save where the player is in a FARL
- minor changes
- 0.4.3
- requires Factorio 0.12.11
- fixed errors due to API changes
- slightly better signal distance for diagonal/vertical tracks
- fixed an error with FAT Controller
- updated hebrew translation (jocker-il)
- 0.4.2
- require Factorio 0.12.8 (changes to LuaEntity.destroy)
- fix error with calcPole
- more descriptive error messages when trying to read blueprints. (Thanks MizardX, whoever you are in the forums
- fix broken graphics with 5dims trains
- 0.4.1
- require Factorio 0.12.7 (no more corrupting saves..)
- deactivate when trying to remove a rail with a train on it (maintenance and -root mode)
- use force of FARL locomotive when creating entities
- turn off flipPoles when using blueprints with multiple tracks
- 0.4.0
- Maintenance mode:
- remove rails,signals, poles, lamps in front, place new layout
- wooden chests in blueprints get removed, use to define clearance area (for going from e.g. 4 lanes to 2)
- deactivates when detecting a junction/diverging track
- 0.3.32
- fixed blueprints being read from maininventory instead of quickbar
- minor optimizations
- 0.3.31
- fix crash with invalid blueprints
- 0.3.3
- parallel track placement
- define via blueprint
- parallel tracks "lag" behind the track that farl is on after it placed a curve (no parallel curves yet)
- toggle placing of pole entities (lamp in the default blueprints of farl)
- tried fixing a mp desync/crash when player is exiting farl
- 0.3.15
- fix error when un/checking place poles
- fix desync if joining player is inside a FARL when connecting
- updated hebrew locale (jocker-il)
- 0.3.14
- different cost for placing on water/deep water: 4/8 concrete per straight track, max of 20 per curved track (WIP)
- fix error when checking 'place poles' while FARL is inactive
- added hebrew translation provided by jocker-il
- added locales for different messages/errors
- 0.3.13
- removes trees/stone only when needed (again)
- try to fill water only when necessary (with bridge water active)
- minor changes/fixes
- 0.3.12
- fix error when reversing while FARL is active
- fix rare crash when activating near (~30tiles distance) a pole
- 0.3.11
- better tree removal for curved tracks
- fixed logic wire connecting
- use 4 concrete when placing straight track over water
- 0.3.1
- fixed migration script for 0.12
- minor fixes/changes
- 0.3.0
- updated for Factorio 0.12
- Landfill is no longer required to build over water, uses concrete instead
- minor fixes
Comments & suggestions (highly welcome)
Bugs and issues