Trains should load while stopped at signals

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Trains should load while stopped at signals

Post by KeepOnBuilding »

Hi Everyone,

Currently in 0.11.22, trains can only be loaded and unloaded when stopped at Train Stops.

I would like inserters to be able to interact with trains which are stopped at Rail Signals as well as Train Stops.

This would allow large circular tracks to be reconfigurable without changing the schedule of every train on the loop.

The story… I have a very long track (37,000 blocks long) which forms a complete single-tracked loop. I have about 40 trains on the track and they go round and round in a continuous cycle. All trains have an identical configuration. The factory is discussed here: ... 872#p90872

When I extend the track and add a new stop and some new trains, I need to add the new stop to a train and then copy/paste the new stop onto all 40 trains. This process takes 15 minutes and is extremely boring! Factorio is all about automating the boring bits!

I would like to be able to build a loading system and place a signal just before and just after the inserters (instead of a stop). Then place an extra train and configure the wagons.

It would be fantastic if the train could be loaded and unloaded while sitting there stationery at the signal waiting for the green light -- but at the moment trains can only be loaded and unloaded when stopped at stops.

This would allow the entire track to be self-configuring… just add an extra signal and an extra train and… well that's all :)

By the way, this "one big loop" system is a fantastic way to run trains, and I would use this technique on any map, not just the one in the link (which I admit is a fairly unique use case).

Thank you for reading my small proposal, and
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Re: Trains should load while stopped at signals

Post by Choumiko »

KeepOnBuilding wrote:Hi Everyone,

Currently in 0.11.22, trains can only be loaded and unloaded when stopped at Train Stops.

I would like inserters to be able to interact with trains which are stopped at Rail Signals as well as Train Stops.

This would allow large circular tracks to be reconfigurable without changing the schedule of every train on the loop.
No, no, no, no! :D
What if a train is forced to stop at a signal because the next block is occupied but that train isn't suppossed to be loaded/unloaded at that signal? Yes, smart inserters may be an option, but then every stop would have to be smart inserters, limiting flexibility and whatnot.

Sounds to me what you really need/want is something making train schedules easier to update. As it happens, i got a WIP mod doing that (besides other things).
It adds train lines (which you can name). You can then assign trains to a line. Once assigned the trains update their schedule when the line gets changed. Haven't worked on it in quite a while, but i believe it should still work. ... =32&t=7480
Also, the FAT Controller ... =86&t=4504 makes handling many trains a little easier, since you don't need to run to/wait for every train to change it's schedule. Should also be less bug-ridden than mine.
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Re: Trains should load while stopped at signals

Post by ssilk »

KeepOnBuilding wrote:I would like inserters to be able to interact with trains which are stopped at Rail Signals as well as Train Stops.
Sorry, when I say it like so: I played hundrets of hours with trains and that ain't gonna work, because it would produce complete chaos.

I think the answer from Choumiko points into the right directions and move this to won't implement.

I would like to add, that it would be important to see:
- if a train is in automatic mode
- if a train stops at a train-stop (and when he will left) - separating it from if a train is stopped in front of a signal.
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Re: Trains should load while stopped at signals

Post by KeepOnBuilding »

I can't see how this proposal could cause chaos.

If you don't want inserters to interact with trains at a particular Rail Signal… just move the signal away from the inserters!

Maybe if some feature like the Fat Controller mod was included in vanilla, this would be a non-issue.
But it isn't, and in my play through, I spend literally hours sitting around copy and pasting train schedules. Boring!
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Re: Trains should load while stopped at signals

Post by keyboardhack »

KeepOnBuilding wrote:I can't see how this proposal could cause chaos.

If you don't want inserters to interact with trains at a particular Rail Signal… just move the signal away from the inserters!

Maybe if some feature like the Fat Controller mod was included in vanilla, this would be a non-issue.
But it isn't, and in my play through, I spend literally hours sitting around copy and pasting train schedules. Boring!
Consider this:
A train, lets call it trainA, wants to deliver iron from station A to station B but its usual route to B is occupied by another train. TrainA instead decided to go through station C to reach station B. As it's about to run through station C another train departs from another station and blocks it path so trainA stops at station C as that's the last rail block. Now with the current rules nothing will happen and everything will be good. With the proposed changes station C will begin to unload iron into station C. station C is for copper deliveries and now there is mixed iron with copper which will probably screw up everything down the line.

As you said we should just move the signal and the problem won't occur, but that is not viable in a high throughput station.

As Choumiko said we could just use smart inserters and the problem wouldn't be there but that limits flexibility which is not worth it in this case.
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Re: Trains should load while stopped at signals

Post by KeepOnBuilding »

OK, sorry for wasting your time.
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Re: Trains should load while stopped at signals

Post by johanwanderer »

KeepOnBuilding wrote:OK, sorry for wasting your time.
I think this is actually very helpful. It shows me that there are different ways that people use trains, and open up possibility that I can play the game (or mod the game to do interesting things). So far, I have seen:
  • Highly specialized stations, everything is tightly controlled and efficient.
  • Circular, mixed routes, which is simple, and probably great for supplying outposts, etc.
  • Mixed unloading stations, possibly with robots.
  • Logistic cargo wagons (there's a mod for that, but I haven't played with it yet)
  • Mods for train routes and controllers.
For example, to use your original post, it *should* be possible to mod the station, so that when placed, it automatically adds itself to the list of stations on that track (in the right order). Alternatively, I wonder what happen if you name ALL your stations on the circular route the same, if the trains will visit all of them without you updating any of them. (All stations will be called "Station", and the train route will be just "Station -> Station".)
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Re: Trains should load while stopped at signals

Post by ssilk »

For example, to use your original post, it *should* be possible to mod the station, so that when placed, it automatically adds itself to the list of stations on that track (in the right order). Alternatively, I wonder what happen if you name ALL your stations on the circular route the same, if the trains will visit all of them without you updating any of them. (All stations will be called "Station", and the train route will be just "Station -> Station".)
Sorry, but what we need here are routes, that can be generated somehow (with a mod and later in vanilla) and assigned to trains.
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Re: Trains should load while stopped at signals

Post by sillyfly »

ssilk wrote: Sorry, but what we need here are routes, that can be generated somehow (with a mod and later in vanilla) and assigned to trains.
Just wanted to add I completely agree with this. There are many improvements needed for the train system, but signals should not be misused to solve these problems.
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Re: Trains should load while stopped at signals

Post by TheUnknown007 »

YES! Please add train lines / routes with multiple trains assigned to them, I would be eternally grateful (or until I stop playing factorio, whichever comes sooner)
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