Version 0.7.0

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Version 0.7.0

Post by kovarex »

Hello, we just released 0.7.0.
P.S. Linux release is postponed, because of technical reasons (until tommorow).
  • Features:
    • The factory now produces pollution. Pollution is visible on the map after pressing ALT key. Pollution is mostly produced by mining drills, things that burn coal, assembling machines and modules.
    • Enemy creepers were replaced by small, medium and big biters.
    • Enemy turrets were replaced by small, medium and big shooting worms.
    • Enemy attacks are triggered by pollution accumulated around their base (no time based attacks from the script anymore).
    • Enemies move and attack in groups.
    • Enemies wander around their base when they have nothing to do.
    • Enemies call for help when attacked.
    • Enemies can create new bases.
    • Added new weapons / ammos: shotgun, combat shotgun, explosive rockets.
    • Added upgrades (research) for all types of ammo and for laser turrets as well.
    • Added concept of capsules (usable items). Capsules are used from quickbar. Quickbar shortcut (1-5 shift 1-5) applies the capsule at mouse position. Current capsules: basic grenade, poison cloud capsule (doesn't damage buildings), slowdon capsule (doesn't work on buildings), combat robot capsules (spawns robot(s) that fight the enemies)
    • The player movement is slower when he is shooting (differs per weapon).
    • Added Modular armors with placeable equipment. The armor is opened by right clicking it. Equipments can be: night vision, speedup exoskeleton, energy sources, batteries, energy shields, laser defense, discharge defense
    • Weapons have different damage types, entities have different resistances.
    • Added production statistics similar to the electricity statistics. (on the P key by default)
    • "Shift-build" - when building with shift the settings of the last built entity of that type are applied. This works for assembling machine, smart/logistics chest and inserter, includes circuit network wiring and internal settings.
    • Laboratories and mining drills are module compatible.
    • Logistic robots try to not mix different items in storage chests if possible.
    • Placing resources now uses the "autoplace" mechanism as well (see lua data files).
    • Better labeling of map generation parameters (swapped frequency and size), frequency and size are less dependent on each other.
    • Automatic updates can use proxy server.
  • Gui:
    • Extended tips and tricks.
    • Mark missing elemental ingredients in the recipe tooltip as red.
    • Show cooldown of weapons/usable items in the slot.
    • Debug settings can be changed in game (F4 triggers the gui).
    • Flying text notification when a train has no path.
    • Automatically connect rolling stocks into trains when placed nearby with indication.
    • Show direction of train stop when to be built/selected.
    • Show connected/to be connected rails that are selected/to be build
    • Double click in load/save dialog opens/saves the game.
    • Technologies in the technology gui are sorted (using order string)
  • Graphics:
    • Replaced enemy placeholders (units, turrets).
    • New selection boxes.
    • New arrows for inserters / mining drills.
  • Changes:
    • Removed the filter inserter (merged with smart inserter), all filter inserters are transformed into smart inserters.
    • Land mine has bigger damage radius and trigger.
    • Disabled loading of saves before 0.3.0 version (You can use 0.6.4 to load any old saves and re-save them).
    • Enemies can destroy all player creations they find (not only labs, turrets, logistic robots, train and player as it was now)
    • Long hand inserter puts the item into the distance 2 (instead of 1).
    • Decreased the car health from 2000 to 500, laser from 350 to 250.
    • Increased the wall health bar from 200 to 350 and increased health of most of the player structures.
    • Enemy spawners and turrets slowly regenerate health.
    • Electric pole connects to all poles in the reach with no common neighbour. The limit of 5 connection per pole stays. Building electric poles with shift pressed builds it without any connections.
  • BugFixes:
    • Straight belt pushes items from the center to one of the sides, so randomly inserted items on belt shouldn't cause stucks in the U turns.
    • Indestructible objects are now handled properly in the path finding.
    • Fix of game being very slow with lots of logistic robots with no place to put items (no free storage chests).
    • Fixed several critical bugs in the map editor.
    • Fixed of confused logistic system when rebuilding logistic chests
    • Shortened number format works properly for large negative numbers.
    • Fixed script crashes when using god mode in freeplay.
    • Fixed armor relative protection (It was inversed and 10% protection made 90% instead)
    • Player inventory didn't get autosorted when item was crafted or delivered by logistic robot.
    • Player crafting gui didn't get updated (number of items craftable), when player recieved items from logistic robots or dropped item on ground.
    • Fixed sharp edges in new maps.
    • Fixed crash when player hovers ammo placed in quickbar.
    • Fixed bug of losing bonus production in furnace/assembling machine when the output slot is full (the production will stop instead).
    • Item tooltip is updated when the item on selected slot changes and closed when the slot is cleared.
  • Optimisations:
    • Mining drills deactivate when the resources run out.
    • Speedups in the path finding (though path finding around very big lakes is still slow).
    • Speedups in enemy movement.
  • Scripting:
    • Fixed lua gui element#isvalid function, it threw error when the element was invalid.
    • Added lua object for entity/item prototype. All prototypes can be aquired by game.(entity/item)prototypes.
    • Added (readonly now) way to access tiles by game.gettile(x.y) (provides name property and collideswith method)
    • getenergy method additionally works for Lamp, Lab, Electric turret, Accumulator, Car, Locomotive and Solar panel.
    • The onchunkgenerated event is now called for all chunks, even for the starting area and for chunks created in map editor.
  • Modding:
    • Result of shooting, projectiles, capsules and items used in general, is now specified by our small but powerful effect framework.
    • Added way to migrate/rename entity/item prototypes.
    • Introduced moddable game wide map settings in data/base/prototypes/map-settings.lua.
downloadable on and also by automatic update, if you have checked the experimental release updates.

EDIT: Linux version has been already released
Linux version is now available in 64bit version as well as 32 bit.

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by ficolas »

Automatic update should ask on startup?
Because it doesnt :s

Updated manually anyeays.

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by slpwnd »

@ficolas: Do you have "enable experimental updates" enabled in the options ?

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by ficolas »

slpwnd wrote:@ficolas: Do you have "enable experimental updates" enabled in the options ?
Yes, it worked now, maybe my internet failed :s it is sucky internet

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by grobyc »

I load save and all smart inserter's do nothing.

Edit: They don't work not only in this save

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by grobyc »

Found reason.

Smart inserter work like old filter inserter, you MUST set filter in smart inserter. This totaly block factory with contain 3,5k smart inserters.

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by FrozenOne »

<3 will play the whole night

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by grobyc »

In map editor maximum zoom out causes game crash.

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by ficolas »

grobyc wrote:In map editor maximum zoom out causes game crash.
I would recommend you to use the bug report section, its easier for devs to manage it that way

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by SilverWarior »

Here is my first impression.
I love the new features that got implemented but I belive the game got much harder or did I only got some serius bad luck.
I started new freeplay game and started to build my factory nice and slowly. I maintained low polution by doing pauses between smelting phases etc. So I managed to build nice basic factory:
- 5 boulers
- 1 steam engine
- 1 electric mine on coal resource
- 2 electric mines for iron and coper resource
- 4 furnaces (two for iron and two for coper)
- one lab
And I managed to do this without any attack.
But then I got a bit careless and left my factory running for to long. This resulted in an atack on mines. So I went to go kill of the attackers but I was unsucsessfull. I barely fired five shots from my gun before I got kiled by 5 or six enemy creatures. Don't ask me which creatures were as I had no time to see that. But what surpriesd me is how darn fast they are. They managed to suround me in no time.

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by slpwnd »


Thanks for the observations. One of the biggest challenges in this release has been the balancing. And it is still far from finished. There are tons of new variables (how the pollution behaves, how strong the enemies are, how strong the weapons are, etc.) Actually we would really welcome help from the community in suggestions on what they thing should be changed. Couple of comments regarding your game:

1) All the enemies (biters) are faster than the player. The smaller they are the faster they are. This is to avoid typical run & relax scenarios we had before.
2) The fact that the enemies are more challenging is imho fine as long as the players are aware of that. Just a side note: during testing kovarex also got killed first time and then he started paying attention:)
3) We will have different difficulties for the freeplay in the similar fashion as for the campaigns. This can change some attack modifiers or pollution diffusion speed, etc. Making the game more peaceful for easier settings.

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by slpwnd »

grobyc wrote: Smart inserter work like old filter inserter, you MUST set filter in smart inserter. This totaly block factory with contain 3,5k smart inserters.
Ups =) Actually smart inserters have a "double face" now. When there is no cable connected to them, then they behave like old filter inserters. Meaning that by default they don't move anything. Once you connect the cable then they drop this and by default move everything. We really felt the need to reduce the number of inserters and this was the most suitable solution, however we haven't anticipated people using smart inserters without connected cables and without filters.

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by FrozenOne »

This update is so intense :D I just got myself scared to death. I was just tapping through my inventory slots to find an inserter to place, and I thrown A HUGE DEAFENING GRENADE right into the middle of my factory. :D Been fixing the screen full of healthbars for 10 minutes :D and then a whole new enemy base spawned just beside my factory and tons of zerglings came in :D that autoplacement you talked about supposed to do this?

Regarding lings: they should be only a slightly bit faster than a non-shooting player and pause for a sec after deal some bites, but let the player run home to safety. Running home injured is punishment enough, having to load game does not add to fun. And in that warpspeed, you cant even see their new graphics.

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by slpwnd »

FrozenOne wrote:This update is so intense I just got myself scared to death. I was just tapping through my inventory slots to find an inserter to place, and I thrown A HUGE DEAFENING GRENADE right into the middle of my factory.
Happened to me as well couple of times :) I think the solution will be to have a 2 quickbars that you can shift between. Then the capsules (usable items) can be put in the second quickbar which is active only in the fight.
FrozenOne wrote: Been fixing the screen full of healthbars for 10 minutes and then a whole new enemy base spawned just beside my factory and tons of zerglings came in that autoplacement you talked about supposed to do this?
The logic for building new bases is that once in a while a bunch of enemies selects a random non-inhabited place in the discovered world and goes there to create a settlement. However they should probably stay off player bases.
FrozenOne wrote:Regarding lings: they should be only a slightly bit faster than a non-shooting player and pause for a sec after deal some bites, but let the player run home to safety. Running home injured is punishment enough, having to load game does not add to fun. And in that warpspeed, you cant even see their new graphics.
The small biters are 30% faster than the player. They indeed stop after biting (there is a cooldown). I believe that the fact (and the player's knowledge) that they are faster than you adds to the strategy in the game. Like you cannot go and distract a bunch of enemies and then just lead them to your turrets located half a screen away without getting some damage. On top of that there is an exoskeleton equipment (for a modular armor) which adds you speed, so being fast can be "bought".

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by grobyc »

slpwnd wrote:however we haven't anticipated people using smart inserters without connected cables and without filters.

I use smart inserter's because they are 20% faster then fast inserter's (tested).

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by ssilk »

slpwnd wrote:
grobyc wrote: Smart inserter work like old filter inserter, you MUST set filter in smart inserter. This totaly block factory with contain 3,5k smart inserters.
Ups =) Actually smart inserters have a "double face" now. When there is no cable connected to them, then they behave like old filter inserters. Meaning that by default they don't move anything. Once you connect the cable then they drop this and by default move everything. We really felt the need to reduce the number of inserters and this was the most suitable solution, however we haven't anticipated people using smart inserters without connected cables and without filters.
I like removing the filter inserter. But used smart often without cabling, because they are the fastest: 0.4 sec instead of 0.5, which is - if you calculate it - a significant advantage. And I use them also often wired for output from an assembly into a smart-chest. Therefore I don't need a filter, it can be only this item in the assembly.

One suggestion was, that there is a switch in the inserter which turns it on 10 secs after placing, so you have time to set a filter. I would add now: a switch which has the following steps: Off/10sec/On. By default it is at 10sec, like a Camera. Then it switches to On. And you can set it also to Off, which removes the need to make stupid stuff like rotating it or remove the power.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by Goddohando »

My first impression.

I think you have a problem now. The game was boring in the initial stages before, but then as you go forward and start to actually build the whole factory it then picked up the pace become fun.
But now you introduced mechanic that makes starting state EVEN MORE tedious and slower because you have to manage pollution. This is bad...
But, on the other hand I do like the pollution mechanic. This is a really good addition to the game.

Possible solution:
- make enemies ignore thte pollution in the beginning 30 or something minutes, to be able to build the first base and only then start accounting it. This way players will have two ways to go about it: either be as quick as they can while ignoring pollution, OR be as slow as they can and slowly build their base.

That's the idea, but I'm sure you can figure something out. Maybe even better.

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by Coolthulhu »

Is the pollution supposed to increase exponentially with addition of modules or is it a bug?

New creepers tank bullets like mad. Gun turrets are pretty much useless now, it's much cheaper to only use lasers.
Similar for guns - big biters aren't rare and the only sensible way to destroy them is lasers. Didn't get armor piercing shotgun shells yet, maybe they don't suck as much as they look like they will.
The spawn rate is too high, makes it very tedious to siege a base. Only lasers make sense here. Maybe flamethrower for personal defense (quickly building walls is a better personal defense). Smaller creepers don't really have a role now, everything they do is done better by bigger dudes.

Some (big ones for sure) biters can bite through thin walls. This seems to be a feature and not a bug.

The new armor doesn't offer enough protection to compensate for the changes, meaning a single big biter is mortal danger. The current weapon selection gui doesn't allow quickly loading the new capsules in an emergency, maybe those would help if it did. They're too expensive to use outside of an emergency, though.
Exoskeleton module sounds very useful, but it eats up an entire battery in seconds and then stops being useful. Is there a sprint button? It would make the exoskeleton useful, as it wouldn't waste energy when casually strolling and preserve it for escaping hungry creepers.
Shield modules are pretty much useless due to the spawn rate that makes laser spam mandatory. Good laser spam makes shielding redundant.

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by gr0mpel »

awesome update. now we really know why it took so much time..
however the first wave of creepers killed me and about 30 laser turrets! oh my god they are BEASTS!

obviously im not the only one who is confused with the smart inserter behaviour. will you fix the "no cable or filter set - they dont move" - feature?
because i only use smart inserter since they are faster as someone mentioned above..and connecting about 400 of them now..NO WAY :)

edit: and this however means that atm all my savegames are not playable because nothing gets produced :cry:

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Re: Version 0.7.0

Post by ficolas »

gr0mpel wrote:awesome update. now we really know why it took so much time..
however the first wave of creepers killed me and about 30 laser turrets! oh my god they are BEASTS!

obviously im not the only one who is confused with the smart inserter behaviour. will you fix the "no cable or filter set - they dont move" - feature?
because i only use smart inserter since they are faster as someone mentioned above..and connecting about 400 of them now..NO WAY :)

edit: and this however means that atm all my savegames are not playable because nothing gets produced :cry:
Wait 30 laser turrets firs wave?
I was expecting like 5 bitters the first wave D; thats why it takes so lomg, now im scared

Did u start a new save or is an old one?

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