As we grow there are a few things I'd like to change on the forums, but would like some input before executing these changes.
Like forums of games similar, I think we're approaching the time when the forum needs a few sections added. I'm proposing the addition of a few "mod" forums for now. There are some other changes that will need to be made as the forums grow but we're approaching the point where some of us are beginning to mod the game.
I'd like to make this a split from the typical "Help & Contribute" or "New Concepts" forums because it is clear that some players interested in the complexities and challenges of making "super massive" and "super optimized" factories are blocked by the devs desires to keep the game approachable. This is admirable, but there must be a community split, with the mod forums, or risk loosing some of them.
Here is my proposed structure. Keep in mind this is not brought on by a problem with the current structure, this is merely to plan for the future. Factorio is taking off and we must make changes NOW before the masses come to the forums. We cannot risk alienating anyone by constantly changing the forum structure: lets discuss.
-News and Updates
-New Concepts, Ideas and Suggestions
-Troubleshooting and Bug Reports
-General Discussion
-Showcase your Creations
--Effeciency Blueprint (for no waste plans)
--Miniaturized Blueprint (for 'smallest' plans)
-Mod Discussion
--Mod Request
--Mod Showcase (completed mods)
Sorry guys I'm pressed for time. Have to goto work. Hope this isn't too confusing.
Also, I'm only a mod so I was unable to make and "admin only" forums. I would appreciate it if one of you could and invite me to the forum.
Also. I'll be on skype today, IM only. (Thomas has my skype name)
Forum Restructure
Re: Forum Restructure
I am happy that you started to consider changes in the forum. And it would be great if others would express their opinions here as well. We have very little experience with this so we would like to take a little bit of time to think about it ...
Re: Forum Restructure
I'd recommend adding a help section to the game discussion portion for players looking for help in game if they can't figure something out. Also for that section a FAQ post pinned with some common issues people have with links to the wiki and a basic guide on how to search the forums and wiki.
Re: Forum Restructure
Help and Contributions should be renamed into "Contributions" only, because "Help" will incite people asking for help. A lot of people don't read the forum "rules" or sticky post, or anything, they just... post, even if the answer is one message up.
Re: Forum Restructure
You bring up a good point. I"ve updated the OP.( Tchey ) wrote:Help and Contributions should be renamed into "Contributions" only, because "Help" will incite people asking for help. A lot of people don't read the forum "rules" or sticky post, or anything, they just... post, even if the answer is one message up.
Re: Forum Restructure
I'm really excited for these boards!rymn wrote: -Mod Discussion
--Mod Request
--Mod Showcase (completed mods)