Cursed Bugs

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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by L0771 »

MaroZz wrote:crash when u place landfill below fisher :D
hehe it isn't my bug ;D
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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by Qcor »

Qcor wrote:1) filling generator 60 times per sec is not ideal but it is the only way it works correctly. Any other way I tested (which in theory should work) was giving me fluctuations and false readings on the graph. I'll try to demonstrate it to you as soon as you give us new version with your fix, because in this version generator is broken in few other ways. Basically it works like shown below. In it's current state it is impossible for me to show you what I mean.
OK.. back to this topic, now that you fixed the buffer filling problem I can show you what I meant above by "the only way it works correctly" and which fluctuations I was talking about.
In 0.4.2 this is how generator works:
generator in 0.4.2
As you can see it is far from a straight line.. and it definitely should be a straight line. As for why it is not a straight line.. well.. no bloody idea. I suspect some strange tick-lag or sth like that. From my testing I'm almost sure it doesn't like to be at max_output all the time. All solutions based on limiting the generator by setting max_output failed in the same way, illustrated by the graph. The only way it worked was by limiting generated power not the output. In fact I set the output slightly above the generated amount and the problem vanished... BUT it requires generating power each tick.. but hey.. all generators do that, don't they?

So.. now you know why I did it each tick instead of once per 300. This was the only way I was able to get it to work properly and show a good graph.
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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by Qcor »

Code: Select all

game.player.print(( talents[5][4].now / 200 + (stats.defence.level * datos.resDefence) / 100) * 60 * 3)
Intentional? Looks like debugging code.
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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by L0771 »

Qcor wrote:

Code: Select all

game.player.print(( talents[5][4].now / 200 + (stats.defence.level * datos.resDefence) / 100) * 60 * 3)
Intentional? Looks like debugging code.
I'm sorry, just delete this, generally use "error()", but in ontick is a bit hard... i forget to search for this :?
Tomorrow I'll upload a new version without some bugs of 0.4.2.
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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by MaroZz »

when u firing with super graded bow, like 80 shooting speed, u have very high change to catch fatal error in mp (
(17.95 KiB) Downloaded 458 times
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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by orzelek »

I built the generator just for fun (and by deciding I'm good with 3k in crafting for now). And I can't seem to get it to work most of the time - will this generator work during the night along accus?
(Having about 60MW of solar power might mess it up a bit but that 3+MW from lvl 64 gen should also be visible)
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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by Tim2162286 »

orzelek wrote:I built the generator just for fun (and by deciding I'm good with 3k in crafting for now). And I can't seem to get it to work most of the time - will this generator work during the night along accus?
(Having about 60MW of solar power might mess it up a bit but that 3+MW from lvl 64 gen should also be visible)
i assume you are using 4.1? if so, this is a known issue. it should be fixed in 4.2, but me and Qcor found a few oddities with the generator. ( ... 1&start=10) A workaround is available in that forum thread if you dont want to update to 4.2 yet, although 4.2 fixes several other issues as well.
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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by Qcor »

From what I see in my current world the generator operates at somewhat low priority. Not exactly sure why because its definition states clearly that it should be primary-output

Code: Select all

generator.energy_source.usage_priority = "primary-output"
but for some reason it looks like power grid 'prefers' to use solars and wind turbines(mopower) over the generator. They are all 'primary' so I'd think that they all should operate at the same % of max output... but they clearly don't for some reason.
Nothing rly bad about it.. it kicks in when the demand raises. If you turn off all other sources it should work at full capacity.
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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by MaroZz »

MaroZz wrote:when u firing with super graded bow, like 80 shooting speed, u have very high change to catch fatal error in mp (
if u caught such error, here is workaround :
prototypes folder

in cursed-bows.lua change

Code: Select all

	obj.attack_parameters.cooldown = 600 / (i ^ 2 * 0.0014 + i * 0.25 + 24)
from 60/

in cursed-ammo.lua

Code: Select all

	ammo.ammo_type.action.action_delivery.target_effects[2].damage.amount = math.floor(((i ^ 2 * 0.0015+ i * 0.35 ) / 2 + 4.8) * 100) / 10
from /100

this code change speed of bow and ammo damage for equivalient dps
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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by Qcor »

MaroZz wrote:
MaroZz wrote:when u firing with super graded bow, like 80 shooting speed, u have very high change to catch fatal error in mp (
if u caught such error, here is workaround :
prototypes folder

in cursed-bows.lua change

Code: Select all

	obj.attack_parameters.cooldown = 600 / (i ^ 2 * 0.0014 + i * 0.25 + 24)
from 60/

in cursed-ammo.lua

Code: Select all

	ammo.ammo_type.action.action_delivery.target_effects[2].damage.amount = math.floor(((i ^ 2 * 0.0015+ i * 0.35 ) / 2 + 4.8) * 100) / 10
from /100

this code change speed of bow and ammo damage for equivalient dps
Assuming you are playing some kind of modpack, not just cursed exp, there is a good chance that you also have mod which adds more types of tougher enemies (like with higher armor values).
If so then above change will make your weapon totally OP.. sooo.. not that good solution.

Btw I'm almost sure someone mentioned that it is connected to gaining exp while firing so higher firing rate gives the illusion that it happens more often. Lowering it might help a bit.. but won't fix it most probably.
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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by MaroZz »

MaroZz wrote:
MaroZz wrote:when u firing with super graded bow, like 80 shooting speed, u have very high change to catch fatal error in mp (
if u caught such error, here is workaround :
prototypes folder

in cursed-bows.lua change

Code: Select all

	obj.attack_parameters.cooldown = 600 / (i ^ 2 * 0.0014 + i * 0.25 + 24)
from 60/

in cursed-ammo.lua

Code: Select all

	ammo.ammo_type.action.action_delivery.target_effects[2].damage.amount = math.floor(((i ^ 2 * 0.0015+ i * 0.35 ) / 2 + 4.8) * 100) / 10
from /100

this code change speed of bow and ammo damage for equivalient dps
catch this crash in SP :( already with slow-speed bow... so sad, this is not desync problems
happened on killing mob
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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by HellEye »

Ok, so i made a new map, played 10 hours or so but then thought there isn't enough biters, so i edited level.dat and level.init to increase size and frequency to high. Launched the game, loaded the save, tried to close cuursed GUI and got this: It happened on most interactions with GUI. Also, after 10 secs from loading the map got this: Loaded backup but it's also broken in the same way, which is weird... I'm also sure that i edited only 3 values next to "enemy bases", even checked with a copy and everything matched. Autosave works fine so there's that, but i thought you might want to know...

Yes, factorio 0.11.22, Cursed 0.42 (the most recent one, redownloaded today to make sure) and cursed classes with some other mods, I don't think they would matter. Tried the command before, still crashed after 10 secs with the second message.
Last edited by HellEye on Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by L0771 »

HellEye wrote:Ok, so i made a new map, played 10 hours or so but then thought there isn't enough biters, so i edited level.dat and level.init to increase size and frequency to high. Launched the game, loaded the save, tried to close cuursed GUI and got this: It happened on most interactions with GUI. Also, after 10 secs from loading the map got this: Loaded backup but it's also broken in the same way, which is weird... I'm also sure that i edited only 3 values next to "enemy bases", even checked with a copy and everything matched. Autosave works fine so there's that, but i thought you might want to know...
Are you using factorio 0.11?

try with this in console

Code: Select all

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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by Zacharias »

Hello Everyone,

I am new to this mod and would like to give it a try.
Attached picture shows the bug that appears with my updated factorio. I cant start it.

I tried running the newest factorio, with cursed XP 0.4.2, base, and Treefarm light.

Any Idea?
Fact.Cures XpBug.jpg
Fact.Cures XpBug.jpg (37.65 KiB) Viewed 7962 times
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Re: Cursed Bugs

Post by Arathos »

_Cursed-UG_/prototypes/entities/cursed-rail-ug.lua:35: attempt to index field 'rail' (a nil value)

factorio version 0.12.20
with Cursed UG 1.0.0 MOD
just starting Game and loading mods

Many thanks in advance
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