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It's done, for the next update, a great idea.Doublespin wrote:I seperated the talent point crafting into 3 diffrent groups.
I'm using this for recipesDoublespin wrote:Additional I added a more specific order.
Code: Select all
obj.order = "t" .. i .. "- ".. j
Code: Select all
obj.order = "t" .. i
yep, i'm using numbers, i and j are like variables, my function to create talent parts is something like this:Doublespin wrote:I'm glad you like it
I ordered with "a-a",... but i couldnt get the right order
The order "a", "b", "c", "d","e","f" for the talent parts are changing sometimesso i get a random order ingame and i really dont know why
Maybe the numbers work better?
Code: Select all
for i = 1, 6 do
local obj = util.table.deepcopy(data.raw["recipe"]["basic-oil-processing"]) = "cursed-talent-part-" .. i
obj.icon = nil
obj.category = "crafting"
obj.enabled = "true"
obj.energy_required = 5
obj.ingredients = {type = "item", "cursed-heart", 4 }
obj.results = { type = "item", name = "cursed-talent-part-" .. i, amount = 1 }
obj.subgroup = nil
obj.order = "tp" .. i
data.raw[obj.type][] = obj
Agreed, after 0.4 I haven't even built a cursed tree farm, not worth it... The crafting speed of the seeds is also pretty bad, I had a few farms with fertilizer and you need 2 blue assembling machines to feed enough seeds into one farm(didn't have access to speed modules or better assembling machines yet)Qcor wrote:Just an observation:
In recent versions you significantly buffed fishers, which is cool but at the same time it made tree farms look rly bad in terms of efficiency.
You might consider balancing them as well.
I can't edit trees with actual TreeFarm, but i can remove["cursed-tree"] and add again...Qcor wrote:Just an observation:
In recent versions you significantly buffed fishers, which is cool but at the same time it made tree farms look rly bad in terms of efficiency.
You might consider balancing them as well.
That time is because you don't "make" a seed, is like stay germling with blood and the germling absorbs the blood, corrupting this seed... but ok, energy_required is 1/3 now (i think 1 seed every 5 seconds)varn wrote:The crafting speed of the seeds is also pretty bad, I had a few farms with fertilizer and you need 2 blue assembling machines to feed enough seeds into one farm(didn't have access to speed modules or better assembling machines yet)
I've thought about this, but isn't funny change your walls every level upgrade, or wait some lvls to close your wall.Tim2162286 wrote:Not quite sure how you determined this number, but the cursed walls appear to only go 16 units in each direction regardless of its level (i had a lv 3, went up to lv 10 and still could not make it go farther.) it should beable to atleast go more than 16 blocks in a direction at higher levels IMO.
May not be what you want, but i halved the blood output and blood cost of cursed hearts (to make crafting talent parts a viable option of crafting talents again), and then increased the numbers of hearts you get from cursed trees to five (each tree can make one new tree and one talent part)L0771 wrote:I can't edit trees with actual TreeFarm, but i can remove["cursed-tree"] and add again...Qcor wrote:Just an observation:
In recent versions you significantly buffed fishers, which is cool but at the same time it made tree farms look rly bad in terms of efficiency.
You might consider balancing them as well.
Now randomGrowingTime 1/4, basicGrowingTime 1/2 and fertilizerBoost 6/5
No, i can't! i can't modify a variable of other mod...?
I've thought about this, but isn't funny change your walls every level upgrade, or wait some lvls to close your wall.[/quote]Tim2162286 wrote:Not quite sure how you determined this number, but the cursed walls appear to only go 16 units in each direction regardless of its level (i had a lv 3, went up to lv 10 and still could not make it go farther.) it should beable to at least go more than 16 blocks in a direction at higher levels IMO.
Tim2162286 wrote: also, the cursed walls dont join to normal stone walls due to them being a pipe type and not a wall type. this left a gap large enough for the player(so i assume biters as well) to walk through. i found a workable but not good solution by increasing the collision box to ((-.31,.-.31)(.31,.31)), but this caused issues with the texture breaking when you retracted a wall. specifically, it would create places where the walls wouldn't visually connect together.
But it don't work with treefarm.Tim2162286 wrote:May not be what you want, but i halved the blood output and blood cost of cursed hearts (to make crafting talent parts a viable option of crafting talents again), and then increased the numbers of hearts you get from cursed trees to five (each tree can make one new tree and one talent part)
Ok, i'll do something with this for the next update.Tim2162286 wrote:Ah, i forgot, changing the entity would completely reset the associated walls, or cause a crash. however,my main issue was that the walls had a hard coded 16 block limit. Only going 16 walls in each direction seems low to me considering that many bases require upwards of 1000 walls to completely enclose.
Ok, this is a bug, it will be solved in the next update, i'll upload in a few hours.Tim2162286 wrote:also, the cursed walls dont join to normal stone walls due to them being a pipe type and not a wall type. this left a gap large enough for the player(so i assume biters as well) to walk through. i found a workable but not good solution by increasing the collision box to ((-.31,.-.31)(.31,.31)), but this caused issues with the texture breaking when you retracted a wall. specifically, it would create places where the walls wouldn't visually connect together.
Ok, now, you need 6 parts of 4 hearts each = 24 heartsTim2162286 wrote:As for the cursed heart re-balancing i did, in version 3.x, talent 1's required either 100 blood or 1 of each talent part. each talent part cost 4 cursed hearts at 2.5 blood each for 10 blood per talent part, costing 60 blood total for a talent. with 4.1, using talent parts still require 60 blood each, but just using blood only requires 50, making it impractical to use a talent part factory which requires significantly more space. also, increasing the heart output of cursed trees is a simple way to make tree farms useful again for thing other than creating pollution.
What is "big" for you, a number, how many walls you need for every side?Qcor wrote:The idea of walls is rly nice but I agree that 16 is MUCH too low to be of any practical use. Bases are just too big for that.
This is a big problem, is this a wall created by gui or is just a wall created by console?Tim2162286 wrote:Picture
yes it does. when your code checks to see if the cursed tree is mature, i just set tree. minable_count = 5 in the if statement, and move the tree.minable_count = 1 that you had origionaly above the if statement. (sorry, i am useing a diferent computer right now, so i cant past the code i had. will post later.)L0771 wrote:But it don't work with treefarm.Tim2162286 wrote:May not be what you want, but i halved the blood output and blood cost of cursed hearts (to make crafting talent parts a viable option of crafting talents again), and then increased the numbers of hearts you get from cursed trees to five (each tree can make one new tree and one talent part)
not quite sure what exactly i was thinking when i wrote this, since the walls and base are separate entities, there should not be any major issues, however it would be difficult to dynamically change the maximum number of walls in a direction per wall base depending on the bases level. in simple terms, just increase the maximum number of walls a base can form in any one direction, but there are currently no major issues.L0771 wrote:Ok, i'll do something with this for the next update.Tim2162286 wrote:Ah, i forgot, changing the entity would completely reset the associated walls, or cause a crash. however,my main issue was that the walls had a hard coded 16 block limit. Only going 16 walls in each direction seems low to me considering that many bases require upwards of 1000 walls to completely enclose.
this is just built normaly through the cursed GUI.L0771 wrote:This is a big problem, is this a wall created by gui or is just a wall created by console?Tim2162286 wrote:Picture
This wall, are just pipes, if you can connect this wall with a sistem of really big storage tanks, your wall will be irrompible, for this i've created every possible connection and every pipe is destroyed and rebuilded if a cursed wall is builded close, if this is a wall builded by gui, this function don't work correctly.
Adding this on line 212Tim2162286 wrote:yes it does. when your code checks to see if the cursed tree is mature, i just set tree. minable_count = 5 in the if statement, and move the tree.minable_count = 1 that you had origionaly above the if statement. (sorry, i am useing a diferent computer right now, so i cant past the code i had. will post later.)
Code: Select all
if z == 1 or c == 1 then
pipe.collision_box[1][2] = -0.49
pipe.collision_box[2][2] = 0.49
if x == 1 or v == 1 then
pipe.collision_box[1][1] = -0.49
pipe.collision_box[2][1] = 0.49
math.floor([wall level] * 0.25 + [upgrade wall talent] * 0.125 + 16)Tim2162286 wrote:not quite sure what exactly i was thinking when i wrote this, since the walls and base are separate entities, there should not be any major issues, however it would be difficult to dynamically change the maximum number of walls in a direction per wall base depending on the bases level. in simple terms, just increase the maximum number of walls a base can form in any one direction, but there are currently no major issues.