Good day everyone,
I wanted to ask if it were possible to add a small search bar to your inventory so that you can search for the names of buildings and so on
That would be really nice
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
This is the sad truth.Qcor wrote:Finding anything would be virtually impossible without in-depth knowledge of every single mod.
Once again, just to let it be clear - this is a problem only in modded game. Number of items and their complexity in vanilla is still low enough that current gui is good enough.Flextt wrote:... a search bar, allowing quick and easy searches for specific items and access to their recipes. The recipes also cross-reference each other. Left-click allows you to see an item's recipe and its required resources, Right-click allows you to see an item's use in its more advanced recipes
Bump, this feature would be nice.motytheultimate wrote:Good day everyone,
I wanted to ask if it were possible to add a small search bar to your inventory so that you can search for the names of buildings and so on
That would be really nice