Epics / Concepts

Ideas that are too old (too many things have changed since) and ones which won't be implemented for certain reasons or if there are obviously better suggestions.

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Epics / Concepts

Post by daniel34 »

I know that ssilk has put a lot of work into making this Epics subforum for ideas and suggestions.
However, I completely agree with this post:
https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... 745#p85663
which states that "epic" is the wrong word for this, and it should be named "Concepts".

I'm speaking German and at first even I wasn't sure what ssilk meant by the word "Epic" the first time I saw it.
It looks like he meant the german word Epos (Heldensaga, or english Epic poetry). In casual german it might be allowed to use this word for a collection of something related, but you can't translate that to english or other languages, and even in german it's only used regional.

I think he is trying to combine several topics into one and making a concept out of them, and I agree it would be a good idea, as seen in the current topics Food, Enemy variation, ...

But calling it an epos/epic is plainly wrong, Wiktionary has no meaning for that word that would even give an idea as to what we're talking about:
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/epic wrote:1. An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a deity or demigod
At first I wanted to write this as a PM to ssilk, then I thought I'd like the input of the community on this topic, so please comment what you think it should be called.

One other thing:
This subforum is viewed as being heavily moderated, so please have some consistence in how you name the threads. We currently have:

epic: producing food (herbalism) [all lower case]
Epic: World Names (Config... [all upper case]
Epic: water as limited ressource [mixed]

Please refer to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_case#Case_styles and either pick the Sentence case (normal english spelling) or Title case (most of the words uppercase).
My suggestion would be:
Concept: Producing Food (herbalism) [aka Title Case]

Also note: This thread is just for discussion about the name of this forum, should there be an agreeable solution with enough posts to back it, you can delete this thread.
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Re: Epics / Concepts

Post by ssilk »

Changing this is in my working queue, but it is really much work; it takes some time to create such summaries, cause it takes some recherches to find all depending article.

And for information: "Epic" is a term taken from project management. Jira for example uses it to handle a sums of tickets. I see of course, that this is not the right term here. I think "concept", or "draft" is more useful.

So the current plan is:
- creating own articles for every draft (currently called "epic" :) )
- moving the current articles back
- looking around for more

Everybody is invited to help. :)

I think a good first example is https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... 80&t=13022 Draft: World Generation
(and of course most drafts are much smaller than this first example)
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