Turret Range/Armor upgrades
This mod adds 5 researches for range, 5 researches for health and 3 upgrades for armor giving the gun turret 17-22 range, 200-450 health and 0/0%, 0/10%, 1/20%, 2/30% physical and impact resistance.
It's probably not balanced correctly, as it's mostly a proof of concept.
The code should allow you to alter any stat of any entity using upgradestats.lua.
It generates the appropriate researches, entities and control.lua makes sure it's processed.
It only executes code when the game starts or when a research is finished, so it does little to affect performance.
- Arbitrary stat upgrades for arbitrary entities.
- Virtually no performance impact.
- Easy changes
Current issues:
- Only supports a single entity type.
- Locale definitions are a pain.
- All researches show all the time, they are not hidden until possible. (upgrade="true" doesn't work.)