Sound of my Washer by a Cleaning Task

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Sound of my Washer by a Cleaning Task

Post by max2605 »

i didn't know if anyone of you life as a youg Single, but i do this currently. So i have to wash my Dirty things myself. And last weak my Mother say i have to do a Cleaning Task for my Washer. Mother say it Ok. Buy a Washer Cleaning Bottle and the manual says:

Pour the contents of the bottle into the washing machine . Set the washing machine on 95 ° C, for the complete Main Task.
They say it OK! Now my Washer is a Steam Maschine and Change my Bathroom into a Sauna. In a Glorius Quest of myself i Stop the Washer and open the Windows. After a Couldown phase i made shure that my washer is set to 75°C, and let it run Again.
And now he mades a very annoying sound, I Record that maybe you can use it as a Sound for the Game :D (I didn't know for what, maybe for a broken Pump).

After writing this Post my Washer is Cooldown completly and Silent Aggain, i am Lucky!

And this is a suggestion on all Factorio Players, look after Sounds maybe someone the game can use is, if the developer likle the idea.
And Sorry for my Bad english.

here the Sound and Video as Zip (MP3 and MP4) :
The Sound and Video of my Washer
(5.75 MiB) Downloaded 248 times
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Re: Sound of my Washer by a Cleaning Task

Post by SilverWarior »

Hi! I'm also doing the laundry myself so you are not alone.

Now you say that your washing machine has turned into steam machine after heating up to 95°C. That should not have happened so you should consider contcting a repariman.

I suspect three possible causes for this:
1. The door sealant might be damaged and thus the steam was leaking out. It is important to replace the door sealant in such case becouse it could also result in watter leaks.
2. The sealant of Detergent try might be damaged. While this sealant does not play so much important role sa the water level never rises so high it is still recomended to replace it becouse othervise it can be releasing steam (more like moisture) into your rom. And high air moisture could cause havoc to electronics or result in wall mos acumulation.
3. The watter termostat might be reading wrong temperazture so the water is heated to much. This could cause lots of problems leading rom your clothes shrinking to fast due to them being exposed to higher temperature that they should be. Also exposing dor sealants to to higher temperature shortens their life quite a bit.
Most likely the cause for bad temperature reading in washer would be water stone being acumulated around the water temperature sensor. And since water stone acts kinda like poor insulation it means that it takes longer for the water sensor to detect the correct temperature. So I would recomend athleast cleaning the temperature sensor which might not be easy and you could damage it in the process or simply replacing it with the new one.

Anyway the sound that your washer is causing makes me suspect that it was heated up more than just 95°C becouse it soulds like bearings are half siezed and thus they are making that metalic sound.
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