Story maps by MpPozor

This is the place to share custom user maps, scenarios, and campaigns.
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Story maps by MpPozor

Post by MpPozor »

Hello and welcome.

Story part
It contains only one map for this time. It can be part of story.
My story is a loose continuation of the story, but even so there I leave room for future part of the story.

Challenges part

0.0.3 - I'm not working on this now
0.0.2 - 2 story missions
0.0.1 - 1 story, 1 challenge

Download file and open with archiver (Winrar, 7zip and more).
In zip file is folder. You have to copy that folder into your mods folder in Factorio folder.
You have to have enabled this mod.

How to start playing:
Make sure you have this mod enabled!
From main menu press "Play" and "Start campaign". Now select "The Way Home". It starts with "story/" because it is from my mod.
Last edited by MpPozor on Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:51 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Story and challenges maps by MpPozor

Post by zer0t3ch »

MpPozor wrote:Hello and welcome in my map pack (mod).
It has 2 parts.

Story part
It contains only one map for this time. It can be part of story.

Challenges part
Only one challange for today. It's about collecting some items.

0.0.1 - Changes - 1 story, 1 challange
0.0.2 - waiting for your choose

Download file and open with archiver (Winrar, 7zip and more).
In file is folder. You have to copy it into your mods folder.
You have to have enabled this mod.
Really? Adfly? This is a relatively small community, so you aren't going to make enough money to make up for all the people you're going to annoy with it. I don't know if it's a rule, but you shouldn't be using on here.
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Re: Story and challenges maps by MpPozor

Post by MpPozor »

I liked to use only for shorter links but...
Sorry for that. It's fixed.
You CAN copy that adress (right click and copy).
Thanks you.
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Re: Story and challenges maps by MpPozor

Post by zer0t3ch »

MpPozor wrote:I liked to use only for shorter links but...
Sorry for that. It's fixed.
You CAN copy that adress (right click and copy).
Thanks you.
Sorry to be such a d**k. I really believe in but on such a small scale, it's annoying when people use it.
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Re: Story and challenges maps by MpPozor

Post by n9103 »

On Topic: Very nice work here! :D
Finished the story mission, no real complaints. Should probably make the walls unmineable, perhaps a larger fuel supply for the engine? Maybe just one or the other.
Grammar errors abound, but still understandable. Same goes for the challenge.
With the Challenge, was it intended to not even provide the 8 iron plates that the basic new game does? The forced hand extraction to get just a single pick really was unpleasant. :(
Just got to the point that I can use power to mine, and had to call it a night. Initially thought there was too much time to meet the goal, but the no mercy start has dragged the start-up pretty far out.

I'll post a follow-up report when I finish up the challenge.

Overall impressions are Very High, hand-mining aside. (Makes me want to change my vote if that was intentional and going to be standard for your challenge maps.:?)
Looking forward to more of either kind, and this being the first proper set of scenarios I've played, I'm giving the extra 10$ for the scenario pack another thought.
(Still seems awful high for what's essentially a few extra pre-made maps, but it's a bit more tempting now.)

Final note on this post: You might want to put a note in the OP about the whole deal being accessed through the campaign menu?
Mostly expected it to influence and modify a new game map, as other mods do (that I've seen), so took me a few minutes to figure it out that you were releasing the initial maps of campaigns.
Colonel Failure wrote:You can lose your Ecologist Badge quite quickly once you get to the point of just being able to murder them willy-nilly without a second care in the world.
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Re: Story and challenges maps by MpPozor

Post by wrtlprnft »

n9103 wrote:With the Challenge, was it intended to not even provide the 8 iron plates that the basic new game does?
The car's trunk contains two iron plates, and your own inventory contains another two, so you actually have just enough to craft a pick. It's kind of well-hidden, though.
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Re: Story and challenges maps by MpPozor

Post by zer0t3ch »

n9103 wrote:Final note on this post: You might want to put a note in the OP about the whole deal being accessed through the campaign menu?
Mostly expected it to influence and modify a new game map, as other mods do (that I've seen), so took me a few minutes to figure it out that you were releasing the initial maps of campaigns.
All maps/scenarios are accessed through the campaigns menu, and as you can see, this isn't posted in the mods section.
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Re: Story and challenges maps by MpPozor

Post by MpPozor »

Yes. This is MOD but it only add some maps as two campaigns. I think it's better way. Mainly for the a story part
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Re: Story and challenges maps by MpPozor

Post by n9103 »

zer0t3ch wrote:All maps/scenarios are accessed through the campaigns menu, and as you can see, this isn't posted in the mods section.
... Way to miss the big button labeled scenario...
For that matter, you've apparently never even loaded a map, so would you kindly see your way out?
and take that request for modship with you... :roll:

On Topic: Finished the Challenge map. Even with my gimped start (I never actually checked the car until I started research.. found the plates about 45 minutes too late :-( ) I managed to clear it with almost an hour left, so my initial observation that it seemed to be too much time still stands, even though I didn't count on there being more than the one condition within the same time limit, happily I was well under the limit.
Colonel Failure wrote:You can lose your Ecologist Badge quite quickly once you get to the point of just being able to murder them willy-nilly without a second care in the world.
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Re: Story and challenges maps by MpPozor

Post by zer0t3ch »

n9103 wrote:
zer0t3ch wrote:All maps/scenarios are accessed through the campaigns menu, and as you can see, this isn't posted in the mods section.
... Way to miss the big button labeled scenario...
For that matter, you've apparently never even loaded a map, so would you kindly see your way out?
and take that request for modship with you... :roll:
I messed up when I said campaign, and when I said maps/scenario, I was referring to custom maps - as in maps made in the map editor - not save games. I have loaded MANY save games so far... Way to miss the big button labeled Load Game...
And until you have any pull in the community, you know where you can shove your snarky comments. ;)

On topic: Tried the challenge map and it was pretty interesting. It's the first one I've ever done, and I think it was a good start. (First one uploaded too, I think)
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Re: Story and challenges maps by MpPozor

Post by n9103 »

zer0t3ch wrote:I messed up when I said campaign, and when I said maps/scenario, I was referring to custom maps - as in maps made in the map editor - not save games. I have loaded MANY save games so far... Way to miss the big button labeled Load Game...
Maps made in the map editor are ALSO in the scenario menu.
The only one talking about loading saved games is you.
Please, try not to fail so hard next time.

And pull isn't needed to know that those asking for mod are among the least suited for it... Along with trolls and those that don't know what they're talking about.
Colonel Failure wrote:You can lose your Ecologist Badge quite quickly once you get to the point of just being able to murder them willy-nilly without a second care in the world.
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Re: Story and challenges maps by MpPozor

Post by ficolas »

to shortern urls you can use or
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Re: Story and challenges maps by MpPozor

Post by MpPozor »

ficolas wrote:to shortern urls you can use or
OK. I will change it with next update.
It will be in some days. I only need set some things.
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Re: Story and challenges maps by MpPozor

Post by n9103 »

Just a post to share my best time yet on Champion: Just under 1:15.
Colonel Failure wrote:You can lose your Ecologist Badge quite quickly once you get to the point of just being able to murder them willy-nilly without a second care in the world.
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Re: Story and challenges maps by MpPozor

Post by kovarex »

Hi, I tried both.

The challenge is similar principal to the supply challenge from the scenario pack, but the supply challange is much more intensive, and is divided into smaller level pushing the player to do more individual things and automate more different stuff instead of requesting just 1000 steel plates. (Btw, try it)

The story was better, I really like the idea of getting some stuff that I can use even without being able to create it. I belive the standard map generator should make some kind of crash sites with more or less rare items.
In the story, I think that there wasn't enough of resources and those rocket turrets took to long to beat (I didn't use car, but it will get less powerful).
On the other hand I was testing with some new content that is being prepared for 0.7 (Modular armors) and if those sites contained some modular armor parts, it could get much more intersting, and faster.

P.S Finished with challenge 1:32 spare time.
P.P.S The Story mod has not enabled flashlight, is it a purpose?
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Re: Story maps by MpPozor

Post by MpPozor »

Added version 0.0.2

PS: flashlight is disabled only in first story mission because you falled.
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Re: Story maps by MpPozor

Post by n9103 »

Colonel Failure wrote:You can lose your Ecologist Badge quite quickly once you get to the point of just being able to murder them willy-nilly without a second care in the world.
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Re: Story maps by MpPozor

Post by I_IBlackI_I »

Kind of sad First level was AMAZING second one .... i finished it in 3 mins just rushed to enemy took neceserry turrents out and killed the enemys
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Re: Story maps by MpPozor

Post by Vitduo »

It would be great... But its doesn't working now =( Doesn't working for 0.10.6 and even for 0.8.0. Could someone port it? Pleeeeease
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Re: Story maps by MpPozor

Post by Reygan »

Vitduo wrote:It would be great... But its doesn't working now =( Doesn't working for 0.10.6 and even for 0.8.0. Could someone port it? Pleeeeease
Why cant you do it yourself?
Daniel V. Lenskiy
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