Become a Filter Inserter!
Become a Filter Inserter!
Reply to this posting random messages! For example: haauweuUYAvoauyweao97! Just post random things to increase your posts and make your self higher up the inserter tree! 

Re: Become a Filter Inserter!
GIYfGIfgiu7t7UTI86Rs78F86riYR! Yay! Soon I will be a long-handed inserter!
Re: Become a Filter Inserter!
Re: Become a Filter Inserter!
Re: Become a Filter Inserter!
The simultanoeus cleverness and stupidness of this post overhelms me. I'm even not sure if it's a joke or not!
Re: Become a Filter Inserter!
It's not! I just wanted a quick way to get to Filter Inserterpsorek wrote:The simultanoeus cleverness and stupidness of this post overhelms me. I'm even not sure if it's a joke or not!

Also, yTv67i67i6&7iib&ti8&7YTb7Tb7777O7O67oO7yTYUGbk! Yay!
Re: Become a Filter Inserter!
Topic locked (Captain obvious here).
This is Factorio forum, not "my post count is bigger than yours" forum. You want a high counter with high tier inserter ? Animate, participate, give good ideas, post high value posts, help newbies by answering their questions, ... Do not just random flood.
This is Factorio forum, not "my post count is bigger than yours" forum. You want a high counter with high tier inserter ? Animate, participate, give good ideas, post high value posts, help newbies by answering their questions, ... Do not just random flood.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.