i have some ideas (or wishes ;D) how to improve the fluid system.
1. Separated properties for liquids and gases
- You define one fluid prototype, this contains boiling and freeze (minimum) temperature.
- If you hover a pipe, there can be a property that shows "liquid" or "gaseous".
Not so important stuff:

- Depending on the temperature of fluid in the pipe, the pressure and speed are values for gases (low) or fluids (higher).
- A property "viscosity" would be great, that also affects speed and pressure.
- Each pipe decreases the temperature by a certain value (e.g. 0.2 degree).
2. More Temperature working
- It should be possible to define a (minimum and/or maximum) temperature in a recipe, e.g. you need 60-80 degree hot water to craft the recipe.
- If the fluid has not the needed temperature, the process takes more time (like efficiency of steam engines now).
- The same with result fluids of recipes.
If no temperature is given the ambient temperature is the result temperature.
- A cooling machine wouldnt be bad.
- If pipe A holds cold water and pipe B holds hot water, the average of both temperature is formed (like now with the fluid mixing if you mix two fluids).
- boilers heat water infinitely (or let's say max. to 500 degree

Hope that ideas will be implemented to the game