-electric discharge
-flame thrower.. lack in range and efficiency (BUT, i could see a FLAME TURRET, in front of a wall of laser. (yes, like the one we see in starcraft 2, hidden in ground until enemy get closer)
all other things, well, it depend on how i play
landmines, i use it very rarely, when some specific corners are easily destroyed by spitters, but bots always replace it too fast, so it get attacked and destroyed sometimes, so i use it in specific situation.. for defenses, its presently just a very little bit usefull..
but still, i can found some use for it, like a place where i know bitters travel often, before grouping to attack me, so just for fun, i lay a line of mine.. SURPRISE, DEAR BITTERS

always keep in mind that mines take few secs before getting hidden to enemy
personnal laser are fun when used inside the tank.. i load my mk2 armor with 2 generator and 1 shield.. and load of personnal laser, drive the tank shooting cannon at nests, laser attack bitters and i frag or poison all around
when running, i dont use laser, but shields and exo, with combat robots . those weaponry are usefull in combination with an other one in a different situation.. the one you prefer depend on how you like to fight, but your way to use these stuffs may be good when you combine it with your friend way to fight ( you running with load of bots, him with tank, or whatever he like