Phoenixian's Hard Mode [0.3.0]

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The Phoenixian
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Phoenixian's Hard Mode [0.3.0]

Post by The Phoenixian »

For a while now, I've felt that there's a few things in Factorio that don't entirely jive with the rest of the game. Foremost among them, lasers, and late game research. I've often felt that the game ends just when it's getting good and likewise that lasers are simply better than every other option.

To fix these issues, I've created Hard Mode.

This mod has several goals:

1: Increase the resource cost of the late game to further increase the need for expansion and complex logistic systems.
2: Make less used weapons base defenses more useful or even vital [Alternatively: Reduce the OPness of laser turrets].
3: Do so using the minimum amount of changes. (Mostly because I'm a novice programmer)

In service to the former, Alien Science packs now require modules to build.
In service to both goals, Laser turrets and gun turrets have swapped ranges, and Large and medium Spitters have had their ranges extended.
Special thanks to Flux Faraday for inspiring me to get back on the ball with this.

Mod status: Running balance pass.
Last edited by The Phoenixian on Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:53 am, edited 4 times in total.
The greatest gulf that we must leap is the gulf between each other's assumptions and conceptions. To argue fairly, we must reach consensus on the meanings and values of basic principles. -Thereisnosaurus
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The Phoenixian
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Re: Phoenixian's Hard Mode

Post by The Phoenixian »

While I work on figuring out what I did wrong with turrets: I present to you the alien science pack changes. It's new! And inferior! :P

For now I'm using all three Module 2's for Alien science packs as it keeps the roughly the same rate of exponential increase in resource cost that exists in previous versions. If needed, I can easily fudge with the numbers to change what exactly is required.

As things stand the current code is just

Code: Select all

  local recipe = data.raw.recipe["alien-science-pack"]
  recipe.ingredients[#recipe.ingredients + 1] = {"speed-module-2", 1}
  recipe.ingredients[#recipe.ingredients + 1] = {"productivity-module-2", 1}
  recipe.ingredients[#recipe.ingredients + 1] = {"effectivity-module-2", 1}
Phoenixian's Hard Mode_0.1.1.rar
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The greatest gulf that we must leap is the gulf between each other's assumptions and conceptions. To argue fairly, we must reach consensus on the meanings and values of basic principles. -Thereisnosaurus
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The Phoenixian
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Re: Phoenixian's Hard Mode [0.2.0]

Post by The Phoenixian »

Figured out what I did wrong with turrets. Gun turrets now have a the old range of laser turrets and vice versa.

The code for those interested in using it for themselves is

Code: Select all

data.raw["ammo-turret"]["gun-turret"].attack_parameters.range = 25
data.raw["electric-turret"]["laser-turret"].attack_parameters.range = 17
Next up: Spitters.
Phoenixian's Hard Mode_0.2.0.rar
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The greatest gulf that we must leap is the gulf between each other's assumptions and conceptions. To argue fairly, we must reach consensus on the meanings and values of basic principles. -Thereisnosaurus
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The Phoenixian
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Re: Phoenixian's Hard Mode [0.2.0]

Post by The Phoenixian »

And lastly, the Spitter changes.

Code: Select all

data.raw["unit"]["medium-spitter"].attack_parameters.range = 19
data.raw["unit"]["big-spitter"].attack_parameters.range = 23
Small spitters are unchanged, medium spitters can outrange lasers turrets, and the largest spitters have a range just shy of gun turrets, which may give you some problems depending on your setup. This is to provide some small encouragement to lay Landmines with construction bots. As to whether it's enough or is a threat that another enemy should fulfill, tell me. I'll be running my own balance pass but other opinions are welcome.
Phoenixian's Hard Mode_0.3.0.rar
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The greatest gulf that we must leap is the gulf between each other's assumptions and conceptions. To argue fairly, we must reach consensus on the meanings and values of basic principles. -Thereisnosaurus
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