Biter Queens and Ultra Queen

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Biter Queens and Ultra Queen

Post by truth2012 »

2015-03-03 00.09.17.jpg
2015-03-03 00.09.17.jpg (92.04 KiB) Viewed 5955 times
Queen can envolfe ramdomly from biters or spiters, 3 per nest.
-Queen shoots orbs which can Stun the player for a short time.
-Killing her will get you the stunning orbs. You can use them to stun enemys
-Then more polution you have then more likely they spawn.
-Queen produce kokons. When Player is near the Queens nest she will drop of her kokon and 1-2 Drones will spawn. They deal pioson damage to player and Huge damage to buildings.
-Queens and drones are very weak against fire, but strong against bullets and rockets.

If you get enough polution and 3 queens have spawned in a nest, there a small chance that the 3 queen envolve to a Ultra Queen (which should be just Massive).
-She is very hard to kill becausy she can not only stun attack, she shootes EMP orbs at you and your buildings which will shut down the electricity in the emp radius.
-she drop 3 kokons, each can spawn 1-2 drones. She produse very fast.

Would make the late game more Challenging.
2015-03-03 00.47.53.jpg
2015-03-03 00.47.53.jpg (95.1 KiB) Viewed 5955 times
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Re: Biter Queens and Ultra Queen

Post by n9103 »

Seems better suited for a mod, since there are few elements in common with the stock game.
Colonel Failure wrote:You can lose your Ecologist Badge quite quickly once you get to the point of just being able to murder them willy-nilly without a second care in the world.
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Re: Biter Queens and Ultra Queen

Post by ssilk »

The drawings are really cool. :)

I like the idea of evolving-cycles and something like a queen, must not as described.

For example:
I mean, let's compare the current natives with something like the wasps or ants on earth (I think these are universal mechanisms): A queen, builds a nest, lays in her eggs (many, or endless!) and then the biters and spitters grow out of it (like now). They are comparable to the female worker ants/wasps (or other types like warrior ants etc.). We have also males, that do nothing special but searching for queens (maybe they prefer to fly in the dawn and like to sit on the power poles draining our power out of it). And of course new queens from time to time, depending on some conditions. After mating they search a new place and build a new nest.
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Re: Biter Queens and Ultra Queen

Post by truth2012 »

That would awesome
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Re: Biter Queens and Ultra Queen

Post by Gandalf »

This suggestion is the counterpart to this one: ... f=6&t=8901
Basically I think enemies and defensive structures need to grow together. I'd really enjoy having a lot more diversity. Essentially What the game lacks in combat is diversity.

There are lots of relatively cheap, small, disposable structures and enemies. The suggestion above adds bigger, boss-like enemies, which should be met by bigger, more expensive defensive structures.
For example one queen should be at least evenly matched against a tank (and not just in the kinda anoying way that big biters are).
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Re: Biter Queens and Ultra Queen

Post by truth2012 »

of course this idea is not the end, of course u can expand the idea
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Re: Biter Queens and Ultra Queen

Post by Piranha »

I like this idea, very nice drawing as well.. More aliens.. MORE!!
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Re: Biter Queens and Ultra Queen

Post by albatrosv13 »

Last edited by albatrosv13 on Thu May 19, 2016 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Biter Queens and Ultra Queen

Post by Gandalf »

@truth2012 forgot to mention, those are some nice drawings! You captured the style pretty well.

@albatrosv13 Increasing damage values isn't the only way to add diversity. Different attack styles (melee vs ranged), sizes that actually matter in a fight etc.
Also there could be rock-paper-scissors style attack and defense styles that are particularly strong or weak against each other.
Long-time versus burst attacks, temporary buffs…
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Re: Biter Queens and Ultra Queen

Post by ssilk »

Sorry, that is just stupid. :lol: The interesting stuff happens, when we - to keep the picture - would have new types of female drones, not just biters and spitters.

- Jumping ones ( ... f=6&t=3565),
- night-active types ( ... f=6&t=7164),
- thiefs (energy and/or items, see ... ilit=thief - I think we had that suggestion also a second time),
- or warriors, collectors (they need food, you know), etc.

See the links, there are a lot of other ideas. :)
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Biter Queens and Ultra Queen

Post by Piranha »

Maybe I missed it but I didn't see anywhere where it said make a turret that is super strong to kill this new bug.. I took it as here is another tier of alien after big.. and the whole queen spawning bugs nearby.. I took that as the Queen doesn't leave the nest (spawner) but if you go attack the nest then the queen will defend.. basically the spawners wouldn't be undefended like now.

As it is the nests spawn biters or spitters and those run after the factory or player, but I see this Queen as being the protector of the nests. Spawning it's own defensive creatures to protect the nest and that's it. Not ever attacking the factory, just building up protection of the nests. This way the longer the game lasts the harder to take the nests, and any failed attempt would make that nest stronger and harder to take.
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