Hi guys. I need help, because I can't solve it.
I want to translate some mods to Polish language. But when I do special signs, like ą, ó, ę(Polish diacritic signs), then the game don't load names of those items. As I saw in /locale/pl of basemod, it uses special signs to make those letters appear. How to make those signs? Is there an easy way, or just what I can is copying those signs from basemod to mod's /locale ?
Translating mods/game to other languages - please help
Translating mods/game to other languages - please help
Factorio translator(EN<->PL)
Factorio mods translator(EN<->PL)
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Re: Translating mods/game to other languages - please help
This sounds like a problem with encodings. All the files should be in UTF-8. Make sure that your editor uses this. If the editor encoding is correct, you will be able to see the special characters in core locales without problems.
Re: Translating mods/game to other languages - please help
Still doesn't works. Now text resets to original english translation. I tried setting UTF8 with Notepad, and then again with Notepad++, and in both cases it didn't worked. Can you help me?
There's mod with my translation included(pl):
I have problem with script-locale/pl.cfg line 1, msg_buildingFail text.
Other translations, like that: tf-medium-tree=Dojrzewające drzewo
show only up to "Dojrzewaj" as shown upper, and then nothing else shows.
It's located in locale/pl/entity-names.cfg
There's mod with my translation included(pl):
Code: Select all
Other translations, like that: tf-medium-tree=Dojrzewające drzewo
show only up to "Dojrzewaj" as shown upper, and then nothing else shows.
It's located in locale/pl/entity-names.cfg
Factorio translator(EN<->PL)
Factorio mods translator(EN<->PL)
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Re: Translating mods/game to other languages - please help
You have BOM at the beginning of the file. Our parser can't handle it and ignores the whole file switching back to english. Whether to use BOM should be also selectable in the text editor.
Re: Translating mods/game to other languages - please help
☺ Thanks, it works flawlessy now 

Factorio translator(EN<->PL)
Factorio mods translator(EN<->PL)
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Re: Translating mods/game to other languages - please help
To don't make many topics(and sorry for double post), where can I translate the game? In basemod directory, or on crowdin page?
Factorio translator(EN<->PL)
Factorio mods translator(EN<->PL)
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