Requester chest content ignored in logistic network conditio

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Requester chest content ignored in logistic network conditio

Post by Koub »

Tested in version [0.11.15] (not enough room in the title for the version :))

I just realized, after unwillingly building 1400 steel chests plus 2100 smart chests that requester chest content does not figure in the logistic system storage inventory. Thus a smart inserter with logistic network condition ignores the content of requester chests.
I had a smart inserter with this condition :
Factorio smart inserter logistic network condition.JPG
Factorio smart inserter logistic network condition.JPG (31.67 KiB) Viewed 5397 times
Unloading my smart chest assembly machine into this requester chest :
Factorio requester chest got smart chest..JPG
Factorio requester chest got smart chest..JPG (77.98 KiB) Viewed 5397 times
It obviously didn't stop at 50 :mrgreen:

Don't know if it's a bug, or if it works as intended, but it's really misleading. I have searched the wiki, the forum, but found no mention of that particularity. I have been trying to figure why I couldn't get my smart inserters to stop inserting for literally hours over several days, and was struck quite suddenly by the idea.

If you want, I can upload my savegame, but I guess it should be very easily reproducible : put a requester chest, a random chest with stuff you don't have in your logistic network, a smart inserter, filter on the item count for the logistic network, and watch the smart inserter be not so smart :).

N.B. : My chests are in the reach of roboports forming a logistic network all around, and replacing the requester chest by any other type of logistic chest "resolves" theproblem ... but can't request anything with a provider chest or a storage chest.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Requester chest content ignored in logistic network cond

Post by FishSandwich »

Items in requester chests don't count towards what's in the logistic network.

I don't know what your build is, but I don't see why you couldn't have both a requester and a provider chest. One for requesting, and one for adding the items to the logistic network.
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Re: Requester chest content ignored in logistic network cond

Post by kovarex »

This is a feature. The condition is towards the items available in the logicstics network, so storage + providers.
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Re: Requester chest content ignored in logistic network cond

Post by Koub »

Thanks. I use a requester chest to ... request ingredients to craft requester/provider chests, and I thought that I could use that same chest as output for the assembly machine that produced the smart chests, but I wanted to limit the amount of smart chests buffered to one stack. I'll know next time that provider chests are part of logistic network, but not requester ones.
Looks like that :
Factorio chest production.JPG
Factorio chest production.JPG (81.65 KiB) Viewed 5376 times
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Requester chest content ignored in logistic network cond

Post by sillyfly »

A quick fix in this situation could be connecting the inserter and requester chest with a green wire (or red, if you prefer).
Remember - all logistic chests are also smart chests :D
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Re: Requester chest content ignored in logistic network cond

Post by Koub »

Yes that's what I'll do in my next world :)
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Requester chest content ignored in logistic network conditio

Post by Lupin »

Just having built a few hundred solar cells and capacitors myself, I think that should be changed or be made much more clear. I also thought this is a bug. I use the Factorio Extended mod (viewtopic.php?f=93&t=19836), which provides higher tiers of solar cells and capacitors and the K&L Inserters mod (viewtopic.php?f=93&t=21269), which allows to change the pickup and drop position of insertes independently (a feature that should be in the core game, IMHO). With these inserters there's only need for a single chest and no belts at all for the chain of basic, MK2 and MK3 solar panels (same with capacitors). The output of an assembly machine goes back into the same chest it took the ingredients from, which is also the same chest for the assembly machine of the next tier aso. In part the recipies use the same ingredients (steel or metal plates for example), but even if they don't there's easily enough space in the chest to request a stack of each ingredient needed for all assembly machines around it. I set the smart inserters to have at most 10 MK1 and MK2 solar panels in storage and stop unloading the MK3 plant, when there's 50 of those. Needless to say that failed horribly and I ended up with hundreds of MK1, 2 and 3 solar panels. Annoyingly the solar panel/capacitor numbers didn't appear in the contents of the logistics network. So I only found out because I started wondering, why, no matter what I did, I couldn't keep up with basic and advanced circuit and processing unit production.

So my suggestion:
Why do we even have dedicated requester chests? They are unnecessary. Just make the active/passive provider chest have logistic slots and remove the requester chest. Everything that's not in the request list is free for taking (actively or passively). If there's a request for 100 basic circuits, but there's 150 in the chest, count it as 50 available. If there are hundreds of solar panels in the chest and they aren't requested by the chest at all (that happens ;) ), list them as available.
If you want your "old" requester chest: don't put anything else in it. If you want your "old" provider chest: don't request anything.

And while I'm at it: why not just have a single logistic chest type? They already have the same recipe. A checkmark option for "active/passive provider" and "allow for storage" would be enough and you have combined all chest into one, which is way more flexible.
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Re: Requester chest content ignored in logistic network conditio

Post by Koub »

Well you're necroing a 14 months old topic. plus, I think passive provider, active provider, requester and storage have very specific uses, and it's always good to be able to differentiate them on sight, with tieur color.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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