[2.0.43] editor entity extra settings properties can not retrieve data from ghosts

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[2.0.43] editor entity extra settings properties can not retrieve data from ghosts

Post by Icicubes »

If you are in the editor and check 'Not Operable' on a steel chest ghost, you expect it to remain checked when reopening the GUI, but it is not. The same issue occurs with other properties that can be checked. Retrieving the data seems to be the problem, as the properties are in fact changed.
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Re: [2.0.43] editor entity extra settings properties can not retrieve data from ghosts

Post by boskid »

This is slightly tricky to decide because i am not sure if those checkboxes should be targeting entity ghost or the inner entity itself. Gui tries to show state of the inner entity however trying to change state of checkboxes affects state of the ghost. This spreads also onto other checkboxes, for example ghost of assembler will show recipe locked checkbox which obviously should be targeting the inner entity (so the gui is correct and checkbox fails to update recipe locked state).
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Re: [2.0.43] editor entity extra settings properties can not retrieve data from ghosts

Post by Rseding91 »

I've changed it so the check boxes will change the inner entity instead of the ghost. This means that it can no longer change the ghost - but it seems that never worked since 2.0 anyway.
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