A setting at game generation to get higher-level enemies at greater distances from the base.What ?
Currently, you can control the rate of evolution — how fast the enemies get stronger over time. I would like a setting to make them also (or alternatively) get stronger with distance from the base. Not just the size of enemy bases, but also the level of enemies.Why ?
The higher your skill at the game, the faster you can develop and expand while minimising pollution. For any given technology, a skilled player will reach it while at a lower evolution factor than a less skilled player. That means that a less skilled player will face more challenging enemies.The difficulty can of course be adjusted by changing the evolution settings at game generation, but it can be hard to guess the right setting for your skill level, and it may be several hours before you realise you've made things too hard (or too easy).
If you're a less skilled player, or you prefer to play at your own pace, but you still want enemies present, you can switch off evolution. But then you don't get to experience the higher-level enemies at all.
If enemy level increases with distance — basically, a distance factor is added to the evolution factor — players who are more skilled and expand faster will face harder enemies, while those who expand more slowly will have a lesser challenge. This makes it much easier to balance the difficulty.
This is obviously not for everyone, but should be fairly easy to implement, as a mod or in the main game, while significantly increasing the appeal of the game for more casual players.