I've been working on a simple webpage for people to find their star in the galaxy. It's not quite perfect yet but if someone wants to try it out and point out any unclear wording to me (or bugs! I tried a number of coordinates but probably there are still problems somewhere), I would appreciate it

Tool: https://lucgommans.nl/p/factorio/galaxy/find-your-star.html
Sample data: "Quantum II: Gamma5-1.B3U2"
(I've tried to make the parser very liberal: it will take the URL, a valid subpath, different URL encodings, coordinates with quotes around them as shown here, a spacing error that someone wrote on the wiki, missing/extraneous capitalisation... it should work with any reasonable mistake or typo!)
As a little bonus, the page also has instructions on how to turn on debug mode in the galaxy viewer
Oh, and can someone do me a favor and share a screenshot of what the in-game galaxy viewer is like? I don't get the menu option (possibly bug#663596) and I'm curious if the in-game version is similar to the web version