Enable an "Anything" icon to the alarm of Programmable Speaker

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Enable an "Anything" icon to the alarm of Programmable Speaker

Post by AnriMachishiro »


Making it possible to choose the "Anything" virtual signal in the icon list of Programmable Speaker, which would correspond to the "Anything" virtual signal inputting.


We know Display Panel can input and output an "Anything" signal at the same time. If the inputting is "Anything >=0" and the outputting is "Anything" , they would output the signal actually input, instead of the green "Anything" signal itself.
I would suggest a similiar change to Programmable Speaker.

We usually want to use less blueprints to solve much more different situations.
If Programmable Speaker changes as so, we can use a simple blueprint to solve many different types of out-of-stock alerm.
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