Constant selection for decider combinator GUI tweak (2.0.37)

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Constant selection for decider combinator GUI tweak (2.0.37)

Post by AnubiteDM »


Slightly redesign GUI for the new possibility to select a constant number for decider combinator. With two options "constant number" and "input count". Something like this:
GUI suggestion 1.jpg
GUI suggestion 1.jpg (238.04 KiB) Viewed 251 times
and when we press button to select signal:
GUI suggestion 2.jpg
GUI suggestion 2.jpg (75.36 KiB) Viewed 251 times
this type of menu appears:
GUI suggestion 3.jpg
GUI suggestion 3.jpg (145.6 KiB) Viewed 251 times
where we can select both signal and its constant number simultaneous (as we did it in constant combinator with 1 as default).


1. We used to select signal and its number simultaneously in one menu, not two separated.
2. This is more inline with other GUI
3. Less clicks when setting a group of output signals:

a) Open signal selection menu
b) Select signal
c) Select constant number
d) Close signal selection menu


a) Open signal selection menu
b) Select signal
c) Close signal selection menu
d) Open constant selection menu
e) Select constant number
f) Close constant selection menu
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Re: Constant selection for decider combinator GUI tweak (2.0.37)

Post by Milichip »

This already exists, though in fairness it was released just yesterday ^^

Oh, you just want to select the signal at the same time as the constant, I completely misunderstood, my bad.
I think it's better to keep it like it is currently though, since you don't select a constant when it is based on input count, so it is more consistent.
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Re: Constant selection for decider combinator GUI tweak (2.0.37)

Post by boskid »

I am not sure if this suggestion is worth it, if the signal gui would be replaced with signal+count gui, then either it would change constant without selecting the constant output which means extra click when you want to output a constant, or it would change to constant output when you wanted to just change signal but keep using the value obtained from the inputs. Current approach avoids this issue by not proposing to select a constant when changing signal, and only when you set a different signal it switches to a constant output meaning it avoids unnecesary extra gui click in most of the use cases.
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