My first Modular Bot Mall !

This board is to show, discuss and archive useful combinator- and logic-creations.
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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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My first Modular Bot Mall !

Post by Puppet »

llHi engineers ! Today I'm showcasing the first version of the "AC2MP", Automatic and Computational Modular Mall by Puppet™ !

Here's a first look of it :
AC2MP Core
AC2MP Core
image_2025-02-25_204927302.png (768.71 KiB) Viewed 397 times
As well as it's three different modules :
AC2MP Module A
AC2MP Module A
image_2025-02-25_205042077.png (424.57 KiB) Viewed 397 times
AC2MP Module B
AC2MP Module B
image_2025-02-25_205054472.png (349.6 KiB) Viewed 397 times
AC2MP Module C
AC2MP Module C
image_2025-02-25_205110912.png (339.27 KiB) Viewed 397 times
To use it, simply paste the core and then attach the modules you need inside. You'll also need to use a configurator blueprint (which is basically a parametrized blueprint that overlap on an existing assembler), and here is the mall functionalities :

- Modular so you can personalise it as you wish.
- Easy to use and compact (I believe)
- Centralized limit controller (allowing to change products storage limits easily by using a constant combinator, managed by the computer)
- And the best of all, coloured lamps ! (used to indicate precisely the storage state of any item in the mall)

And this is pretty much all, I didn't put down pavement because some people prefer having grass rather than concrete. Anyways I'm really happy with what I've made, that is my first "big" and "complex" creation in Factorio, I hole you'll like it !

I said this is a V1, because I'm asking if some people would like to show some more functionalities to add, and also it would be great to have some feedbacks about it, both about the actual building but also about explanations that I've made, to know if they are clear, and if correcting is necessary.

Here's the blueprint book !
Thank you for reading this unwell written post ! By Puppet :3
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