So I've been using the method for controlling thrust from this genius thread viewtopic.php?f=193&t=118009
Also started seeing some more setups pop up in my youtube recomendations. And I started thinking.
After thinking for a solid 5 minutes I've come up with a system worthy of all that thinking. It's as simple as it gets. Only consisting of 1 Tank, 1 Pump and one wire.
Screenshots now, explanation below: I use an empty tank for measuring how much fuel is currently in the system and turn the pump on when it falls below a certain amount. The measuring itself is not the main thing here, since the fuel is constantly being used. It's just a controlled bottlenech of sorts. After some testing I settled on turning a pump once there is less than 125 units of fuel in the tank, this gives me 32u/s of fuel consumption and ~89% efficiency. For less efficiency but more speed use a higher value like 250 or something. I hope this helps and you find it useful!
Yes the thrusters fill up when stationary, but once moving they quickly burn off the excess fuel and reach cruising speed faster. Like an older or chip tuned diesel flooring it from the intersection leaving a cloud of smoke lol.
Since the thrusters are using both fuel and oxydizer at the same rate, limiting only one is enough.
Tried using another pump to only supply the engines with the fuel when the speed of the hub is above 0, but it did not work as expected.
Tested with 1, 3, 5 and 7 engines and the consumption per second differs only by a few units so it's pretty much negligible.