SR-Latch + Dynamic Filter

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SR-Latch + Dynamic Filter

Post by BoneyardWolf »

I had a train delivering defense material to multiple outposts but only wanted to drop off what was needed. Inserters limited to 5 filtered items and setting filters "passively" caused stalls due to needed items filter being outside the scope of the inserters filter limit. I started off trying the single combinator RS-Latch and racked my brain for a few hours to come up with this.
BoneyardWolf-SR-Latch-Dynamic-Filter.png (1.17 MiB) Viewed 285 times

It sets request signals based on Demand side content and the manually set Min Max values in the Constant Combinators 1A and 2A. Then takes that and compares with what is available in the Supply side. If the request signal does not match any of the available signals than its not passed to the inserts filters.
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Re: SR-Latch + Dynamic Filter

Post by gGeorg »

Supply train stations are one of the most intriguing tasks to build.
Your test bed, might work. It would be better post your bluprint of working station. Best make a simple circle test track as whole blueprint.

I have my own train station improved several times, would like to compare. Perhaps we find some inspiration.
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