Min / Max option for Selector combinator would be useful to set limits to train stations.What?
WHAT do you suggest? What is your idea that should be changed? Explain in detail your idea.I would want green+red signals to be compared and having the largest/smallest/the only present value to be returned
- min(5,1) == 1
- min(5,null) == 5
- min(null,1) == 5
- max(5,1) == 5
- max(5,null) == 5
- max(null,1) == 1
WHY do you think it increases the value of Factorio as a game?I know this can be done by circuitry with a lot more combinators, but whenever i needed min/max functionality it would be fantastic to have this through the new combinator, because wherever i do need it(mostly train stations) i do not have that much space available (especially since i need it per station).
My sample use case would be calculating the amount of trains that can pick up items via combinators, but having a constant combinator provide a train limit on a different signal color, so i can add it to a blueprint and if my blueprint only supports 2 trains, i can set it to 2 on the constant, even if my station could supply 7 trains with items. Not doing min/max through multiple combinators would reduce ups cost and make it a simple use case for everyone.
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