[Request] TechnologyTrigger extension

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Burner Inserter
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[Request] TechnologyTrigger extension

Post by Tiaronus »

Hello everyone!
(English is not my native language)

First of all I want to thank dev team for this amazing adventure called "Space Age" :space-age: :space-age: :space-age: :space-age:

It's the dup of my request in mod section (as protocol_1903 suggested)

After I've finished my vanilla run (some qol mods doesn't count) some ideas were born in my head, however I've stuck due to some limitations.
I want to request TechnologyTrigger extension so it would support multiple items at a time.
For example, right now "artificial-soil" triggers whenever you craft 500 nutrients

Code: Select all

research_trigger =
      type = "craft-item",
      item = "nutrients",
      count = 500
I think that it will be very convenient if we all had an "multiitem" triggers
For example unlock certain technology when multiple items (crafted, mined or placed)

Code: Select all

research_trigger =
      type = "craft-items",
      items = {
      { item = "iron-plate", amount = 10},
      { item = "quality-module", amount = 1}

Long Handed Inserter
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Re: [Request] TechnologyTrigger extension

Post by MrSmoothieHuman »

+1 multi-item triggers or triggers for item A or item B are sorely needed
coder? i hardly know her!
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Tue Jun 06, 2023 10:18 am

Re: [Request] TechnologyTrigger extension

Post by Tiaronus »

After thinking a bit, I came up with different idea (which also may be easier to implement)

We need a new type of "TechnologyTrigger". Suppose it will be called "PrerequisitesResearchedTrigger".
And it will behave as it's name suggests.

Let's say we want to add new type of modules in our mod. Let it be cheesy "Combined Module" (with positive effects of all other modules and all 3 tiers).
Let's say that we want it to be researched only after player would craft all other vanilla modules automatically and has built Electromagnetic Plant.
In order to achieve that we will create "hidden" (which I believe is possible already) technologies with existing "craft-item", "build-entity" triggers ( let's say 4 - craft tier 1 modules [only after the modules itself are researched] and 1 build plant) and also a tech with new "PrerequisitesResearchedTrigger" that will have all 5 aforementioned techs as prerequisites.

"Researched by" field in tech tree for this technology is just an array of the prerequisite techs

I know that my English is very messy so if someone would like to rewrite my suggestion in a better way I would be pleased
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