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First, if I let the chest have its full slot amount, for some reason it tends to fill up with like two kinds of items. Eventually it will process them, but for some reason for the longest time the Inserters would only output everything but Holmium Ore. I guess it's some kind of weird deterministic way Inserter filters are set with the Decider Combinator that grabs everything else first (maybe we could change it so highest item value would have the highest priority for the filter? That way things would balance easier). So I tried something else.
Since the Scrap Recycling can only output 12 different items, I set the chest to have only 12 slot open. The reasoning would be that you would always have some item to empty without overfilling the chest. But as it turns out this system tends to block. I find the chests with two stacks of the same item, but only having like, 3-4 items in each stack, while my Decider is waiting for 16 items. I'm guessing it's something due to the chest filling in from one direction while emptying from the other and so sometimes you have wonky numbers and things jam up. So I guess the only way to make sure the system doesn't jam is to have like, 15 slots for each item and then one extra to make sure you always have at least one set of 16 items to output... Or use train wagons and set the item filters in the storage I guess...
So at any rate, it would be nice if Factorio handled this edge case a little better - items should first go to any slots having the same item type in the chest, inserters should probably try emptying less filled slots first, and maybe inserter filter should get a priority based on how high a value is not to have chests that fill up with one item while all the others are being emptied...