Space Exploration Nauvis Shopping Alley

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Space Exploration Nauvis Shopping Alley

Post by mmmPI »

It serve the same purpose as a mall but shaped as a street :
alley.png (6.45 MiB) Viewed 3210 times
( image is zoomable in other tab )

It was made with some AAI vehicule and aircrafts from different mods in mind, so that when i'm in an aicraft or car before i could quickly go from left to right.

It carried me up to the logistic robots and the more advanced item are made in a robot mall so it will probably not be extended anytime soon.

The idea was to keep some room at the bottom for potential additionnal lane of material that would be made south during the expansion phase while the other intermediate available at the time of the start of the alley were made north, the "main bus" being vertical flowing both ways, alley branching toward east and free to expand (after some landfilling and cliff removal).

The advanced belts and other AAI structures are made on the other side ( north) because i had left room for those too but they are not well aligned so no pic.

It's quite a messy spagetthi near the soure of material and quite specific mod-related items produced so i'm not sharing blueprint due to not knowing where to cut it and feeling it wouldn't be used anyway but i thought the picture i could share as it's a result of getting inspired seeing other people's pictures.

Many of the inserters feeding into yellow chests are connected to the logistic network to limit the quantity of item produced manually typed for each one and i replaced the early steel trash chest on the left side with yellow chest so as to reuse the spilled material since the start of the game. Now the yellow chest aren't limited , just filtered, so they also receive the newly trashed corresponding material but it used to be limited wooden chest before logi chest.

It doesn't use belt weaving so it's easier to upgrade throughput, but some part require red or blue underground. It took quite some time to build, which means as soon as one item is automated, the previously done one is already stocked :) I had to make copy of solar pannel and accumulator on purpose to meet the timer for the coronal mass ejection, but automating twice the turbines was an overlook which hints at a drawback of such design i experienced, when it's too long you don't remember where the item are and if its already there if you can't find it quickly.

What i like in the design is that it's only using half belts of different inputs so it's 20 inputs on 10 belts. What i dislike is that there are long stretch of belts at the bottom added overtime that look not very good as a consequence of how it was built.

A building tip is to automate 2 or 3 item at a time not just 1 so that there is permutation possibility if it's too difficult to fit all the inserters and splitters one way.
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Re: Space Exploration Nauvis Shopping Alley

Post by ozzak »

why do you have one single biter in the middle of it?
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Re: Space Exploration Nauvis Shopping Alley

Post by the_potty_1 »

That's not a biter, that's Henry :p
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Re: Space Exploration Nauvis Shopping Alley

Post by mmmPI »

ozzak wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 6:45 am why do you have one single biter in the middle of it?
This is part of the Space Exploration from what i remember, you get a companion biter, like a cat or a dog or a piglet :)
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