Show more status in the list of space platforms

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Long Handed Inserter
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Show more status in the list of space platforms

Post by kpreid »

Right now, when you hover on a space platform in the list of surfaces, you only see the planet it is stopped at or traveling between, and its speed and such.

I would like it to also show the status message that’s in the top left of the space platform cargo/schedule window ("Paused", "Waiting for rocket", “Waiting in Orbit”, etc), and perhaps one of the unmet wait conditions too. Maybe the “status light” could even show up in the list without hovering.
This would help with noticing:
  • You left a platform paused when it should be moving.
  • A platform is stuck in one place because it can’t get the resources it needs.
Expansion to many planets means we have to divide our attention further, and unlike trains you never walk by a space platform and notice it’s stuck. So, more easily-available summary information would help a lot with managing many platforms.
Burner Inserter
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Re: Show more status in the list of space platforms

Post by CricketB »

Voting for this one.
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